Best posts made by Rebel_Cute
RE: If you could ask 3-5 tws users 1question each,and they have to answer it..who are those and what would u ask???
I wouldn’t say anything Cos I can’t remember anything about this 😅
Miss me?...NAW ^^
i made this for nothing...don't miss me don't say how fun or wonderful i was just look up and say goodbye............if u care abt me don't read me bio........oh i wanna say thanks you to Mich , zoobie , jimmy , raj , judith and so lot more for helping meh out thanks guys :heart: u so much but thanks u neon for being in my life and stopping me from doing shit i love u the most :heart:
RE: Shoutout for all Badasses out there
@mr-h ever, why do ppl upvote my shit??? Jus asking
Why.....why not me...why...
Hey.....I’m fucking numb I cried a lot Sunday and today because my friend fucking died yesterday she was so young...I miss her...
RE: Who is your HERO and why?
My favourite hero is neonwalker bc he there when I need him and my brothers and my dad brother are anti cute,boots, and another person lol and my dad there for me my dad is Vijay Abby seem like a sister to me and I can always count oh my friends and family
it has to be someone tht if ur friend it can even be a stranger lol but if u dont u can choose a pet or and animal tbh and u have to tell it whya re they ur fav
Don’t care I got something to say
Heyyyy like I said I don’t care bc I’m dealing with bipolar personalities and I might leave for a few months sooo bye
RE: Shoutout for all Badasses out there
I need dem friends lol
I am just here to makes friends and have fun I am taken so don't try mehh and have fun ppl
RE: Have I improved in drawing?
@heyitszoey yeah I say they pretty good I can’t draw like that tho XD keep up the good work
Should I stay ?? or should I fade away ??
If u can help me than I will be so greatful and never ever
Get you all especially ppl who care about me -
RE: Some drawz done by your favourite rabbit
@im-a-bae to be honest the second pic looks like me going on Zoobie’s back all the time 😂😂
I LOVE THIS ❤️🖤🖤🖤🖤❤️
I love how many ppl remember me and which is good but what really gets me happy is that I read mah friends bios and never mentions me and I’m okay with that I still love you all even if you don’t mention me so if your one of them don’t change your bio just keep it that way
Yours truly REBEL ❤️❤️❤️