@Rei_90 Your drawings are so good. You should be inspiration to everyone. I really enjoy watching them n I wanna see more of them. You are trhly an artist. Bravo! ❣️❣️

Posts made by Pikachu21
RE: Inspired by youuuu......
Imagine to find love of your life on TWS. Crazy!
First of all, I wanna say hi ti everyone. This is my 1st post on here, even I'm here for like 3 months or so, Idk. Doesn't matter actually.
I think that I wouldn't even write this, if I didn't meet her and if she didn't encourage it.It was one of those boring nights, you know how they feel. Just scrolling through web sites till you find something good. Well that's when I accidently met her, right on TWS. For this post I will keep her identity hidden unless she choose to show up. I found one of her topics, I read it n it was good, then other one n so on. So I manage to make a move (acting brave) n messaged her. Since that day, 25th of September, things changed. Few days later, actually 30th of September , our hearts said "yes" to each other.
Life have changed so much for both of us. Especially me, who was just an empty shell of human's body without any emotion or feelings. I was like frozen cold, untilsl she manage to heat up flame inside my heart n bring me back to the living world. I'm so thankful to her n she will be the most loved woman on the Earth. Even there r many differences between us, we just manage to be perfect piece of missing puzzle to each of our lifes.
I love you forever! #GM❣️