"I have been wondering in a
dark and dreary past,
where I thought love
would somehow last.
Only to find out in the end,
a broken heart with pieces to mend.
Then you came along unexpectedly,
In the sea, we met unintentionally.
I was about to drown hastily, but
you saved my sinking heart readily.
My life before was pale and tragic
But you turned it our into something
Like magic.
The first time I laid my eyes on you,
I knew there was something,
I don't know if you felt it too.
I let my pride get out of the way,
For i know i might be happy someday.
The hope of us together is what I have.
I know what Im feeling is certainly love.
I have to admit to myself that I have fallen.
That you came and had my heart stolen.
But to wish heartily for you,
I had to stop.
Because the moment I felt this,
You suddenly gave up."-