@porcupinesauce said in Why is no one responding to my topics?:
@Lurker well good job in fuffilling that it does by responding some more lol
Shows how bored I am rn :joy:
@porcupinesauce said in Why is no one responding to my topics?:
@Lurker well good job in fuffilling that it does by responding some more lol
Shows how bored I am rn :joy:
@porcupinesauce said in Why is no one responding to my topics?:
@Lurker but u said SOME people who dont respond are bored and suck
Make up.ur mind dinghead 😒
I give up :joy: You really can't read or don't give a damn to read any of what I said :face_palm:
Cheers tho! :beers:
@CoCoP0p said in Why is no one responding to my topics?:
@Lurker Agreed. We need to open up the forum to our pets. This "only humans" allowed thing is bullsh1t. ;^)
I wonder what kind of topics each animal would create as in what different questions and concerns the different animals have 🤔
HAAAA GOT EM :smirk:
Just teasing you cuz of your profile :p
@Chicken-meat said in Neighbour danger:
I have a neigbour that coughs a shit ton and spits like he is a prosititute
Why do Prostitutes spit? Why is that a thing?
Good thing im not old, nor gross, nor yucky, nor married, nor ever go on business trips, I do go for walks sometimes... :thinking_face:
But I don't like prostitutes so I guess i'm still good :scream:
@Chicken-meat said in Neighbour danger:
@Lurker I mean on occassion my neighbour is nice tho, I aint the best neighbour tryna avoid em all the time, and we like have this thing of talking shit knowing the other can hear cos we live so close lol. Ahh #toxic
That's great, the worst thing about living super close to neighbours is hearing them have wild séx at 5 in the morning... smh
@Chicken-meat said in Neighbour danger:
@Lurker you very much could be all those things, liesss and deception is part of the trade
Have no reason nor need to lie, can assure u i'm none of the things I mentioned :joy:
@Parkourmisfit said in What video games are you currently playing?:
Kingdom Hearts 3
I'm so jealous of you :sob:
Do you like the main song or do you prefer the old ones that got released with other KHs? My favorite is simple and clean yet, old but good :ok_hand:
Alot of bands made rock covers of this songs, they came out amazing, they really get me pumped :sweat_smile:
You new profile scares me, so I opened ur profile to see it closer, bad bad idea as your cover picture scares me even more... :face_palm:
@Iservejustice said in Hello everyone!!!:
@Lurker said in Hello everyone!!!:
Welcome to TWS, hope you enjoy it here :)
She clearly said no-oldies.
I am already well served, thanks. I'm just trying to be nice :smirk:
@lego-batman said in Why do you get up in the morning?:
@Lurker said in Why do you get up in the morning?:
Motivation comes and goes, there are times that I have a very strong resolve and "light" that cheers my way and then, there are times that I "live" to go back to sleep, I've lived in both spectrum of the coin and I prefer to "live" for something rather then "survive", I believe that's the worst feeling.
I would like to say I live for MYSELF but I'd be lying, I often feel this resolve and drive in someone special! :shrug:
IMHO living for yourself is pretty lonely. I mean obviously you shouldn't obsess about one single person, wether that be you or someone else. Can't help but quote the most influencial person of all times again: "love thy neighbour" means don't save the world, just be there for the people around you (and yourself too).
Yeah, i also think so, I was just voicing the opinion of others by saying your drive and happiness should be something that comes from the inside and not found in someone when I find that hard for me, I always find life to be much more colorful if I live for others / someone special. Ofc I never stop living for myself, it's just that the drive and fuel comes from there 🤷♂️
@TheGoldenMole said in Being invisible (super power??):
@Lurker said in Being invisible (super power??):
Visit the girl's locker room of my gym, that place seems mythical 😏😂
That's pretty pervy someone get the TWS police
Everyone knows that I'm a perv in here so we are good! 😅
@TheGoldenMole said in Being invisible (super power??):
@Lurker said in Being invisible (super power??):
@TheGoldenMole said in Being invisible (super power??):
@Lurker said in Being invisible (super power??):
Visit the girl's locker room of my gym, that place seems mythical 😏😂
That's pretty pervy someone get the TWS police
Everyone knows that I'm a perv in here so we are good! 😅
Uh... gross? I hope this is a joke, pervs are a real problems for girls in this world 😂
I dont think so if you know how to behave :shrug:
Ask my girl friends around here and you'll see I was never a problem :joy:
@Wolfie_11 said in Being invisible (super power??):
@Lurker said in Being invisible (super power??):
I love you too :joy:
That deserves a downvote.
Why? :joy:
I like all of the mentioned but the one I like the least are donuts, so they will have to go... Oh well, i'll survive with ice cream, cookies and cake! :joy:
@Sinely said in Where is the best place to buy furniture?:
What are some furniture alternatives to IKEA ? I am looking for such stores or unbranded shops that make simple, useful quality and affordable wooden furniture.
I usually use IKEA myself but with a simple google search I came up with many alternatives, I just don't know if they are as good as IKEA, here is the link for you!
I'll probably die old, really old, doing something I wasn't supposed to be doing at that age which will make my heart stop :joy: :smirk: