@sarah_the_magpie makes sense

Best posts made by Lucky Dude
RE: My friend's birthday is coming up...
@pardis2001 said in My friend's birthday is coming up...:
surprise her. gather in her home or ur home and when she comes in, jump in her face!! Do it a time when she doesn't expect it. For gift maybe a necklace that has a match and u can both wear. There are many options. U can also write a letter for her and show ur love and friendship in it. tell her how much u are happy to have her as ur friend and deliver it to her in the first minutes of her birthday like 00:00!!!!!!!!!!!! I know It may sounds silly but not everything should be bought with money and be expensive. sometimes words are the best
noted... i might do the same for my friends.... but excluding the necklace part lol... i might go for a wrist band or something...or a watch :)
RE: All things must pass
@Ladydoall30 I am sad you are leaving!
RE: What if................ (Click to read more)
@Single-Lady i will try to find alternative to this site...which is hard to find
RE: Tired of people's BS TWS phonies Hyde is a liar
@Littlelion12 its hard to know who are genuine and who aren't. Dont make it hard to yourself, and I am sure there are people aroynd who are genuine to make new friends. Also i wanna tell yoou that everyone wants to have a safe side, you and everyone should understand this. No one will ever tell u the truth about himself/herself unless they get very close to you.
RE: Nibba is not doing protest letter for this Funny Sarah
@Nibba_Nibby i dont need to know you personally. Yours words define you
RE: Bruh u ever get that feelin like You’ve seen something or someone before like from a dream or just that feelin it’s trippy
It happened to me one time. Its kinda strange but it scared me and i was shocked for a moment because i was a kid then.
It was school days, one night i had dream that my pencil fell from my hand to the ground and i still remember who watched towards me when pencil fell down in my dream. Btw the place was even my same classroom.
The next day same thing happened, in same class and same people looked at me when pencil fell to the ground. Suddenly i remembered my dream...and maan i was so scared and started shiverring....😱😱😱 -
RE: anyone have diseases/ailments?
@pardis2001 I am sad for you and all those people who are suffering. In this world no one is save from any kind of suffering and illness. Hope you get towards betterment and not the other way.
RE: I really miss my ex it's been a year idk what to do its driving me insane
@Paul-Benoit You move on dude. Care about yourself, life is full of opportunities and is beautiful
RE: I'm Feeling Alone .. kath wanna new frnd
Hey kath, i m ur new friend
RE: I'm back in this site😫
@fyeee-ann I am also kinda new here but still I welcome you back
RE: I really miss my ex it's been a year idk what to do its driving me insane
Dude, you are just hurting yourself