@kit_kat and you are aboolicious;)
Best posts made by liyah
RE: When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else?
@RoseLily and dummy me is still waiting for you to sing for me;-;
RE: y'all ever just hold ur boobs ?
@Mickeyyyyy I really didn't-
The only thing I'm searching is Johnny Depp and food related things, especially lasagna 😍🤣 -
RE: un patético imbécil &@#^SKY PICS
@Ash33 LMAO i know but I just had a quick kopfkino with spiders
RE: Court of TWS: Who's telling the truth, Amber Heard or Johnny Depp?
@Indrid-Cold Johnny Depp of course 🥺
No need to question it !! -
RE: Request for making an exclusive group
@BigGlucoseDaddy @Celiaaaa
There you go 🙄😂 -
RE: Request for making an exclusive group
@Celiaaaa I just did dumber.
That will be my first and last drawing though, might as well leave anyway 😂😂 -
RE: The Live Chat updates are a bigger joke than my entire existence
you're not alone, totally agree with you. If it doesn't get any better, it's the best to completely get rid of it smh
But hey, they are doing their best so I do hope we get to see some better changes the next few days. -
LMAO this is surely going to be my favourite post from now on
RE: This girl named Lily...
I can't believe you actually did it, thank YOU!! 😂😅
This was very kind of you, I really appreciate it! -
RE: What's the first thing u will do.....
@Ash33 marry Lucifer,
who is desperately waiting already
RE: The 😒 gang is finally here
@Michaelele I'm happy to welcome you then 😒 happy grumpy day!😒😒
RE: How should you handle abusive chatters?
@Bab she is one of the most annoying kids here who trolls, clones and spams which makes this topic completely irrelevant, very contradictory person.
RE: Everyone At TWS...
@Lazz oops forgot to change my name again, all credits go to ChaosKing ! XD