@XxBadAsHellxX don't u love your mother?

Posts made by Kayss 30
RE: What is the real meaning of love?
RE: What is the real meaning of love?
@XxBadAsHellxX There isn't just love for a relationship, love is a big feeling that starts with loving yourself and you won't be able to live without love because love is beyond your control, it's an instinctive feeling, u said "I hate love"that's not logic, If you don't love, you can't live."I'm talking about love in general "
RE: What is the real meaning of love?
love is the only thing that makes us want to live, love is not just a simple feeling or a chemical reaction that humans consider it as reason for having sex. Love is a connecting thread between souls, and if you don't love yourself, you will not be able to love others and you will never see the beauty of life, because love is the key of happiness.it's hard to reach real love but it deserves to try , because if you will find it, you will wish that time will stop and you will live this moment for eternity.
RE: What will happen after when few humans survive the apoclipes?
@Aman321 they are just a weak creations handled by destiny , then who decide their existence , he will decide their end😜
RE: What will happen after when few humans survive the apoclipes?
Yeah, but someday the destructions can be able to finish the life on earth , and we will be nothing as we were, and yeah😏the loop will continue but without us.
RE: What do you think about thinking?
We think throughout life, either consciously or unconsciously, so thinking is the only criterion that proves our existence. We doubt, we think, therefore we exist. If u don't think , Then rest in peace ⚰️⚰️
RE: Damn it's hot here 🥵🥵🥵!!!!!!!!!!!
@Eucalyptus the hottest is here lmao🍻
RE: 🎊🎊**Quote of the week** 🎊🎊
no need to wait for someone to care, u should be independent from others. "Who cares if no one cares"😏Take Care of ur self lonely, It's better.
RE: Hi. Looking to make some new friends. Just genuine down-to-earth people to talk to. No sex and love. Just pure friendship. If this works for anyone, just let me know.
@chelsea1 hmm if you want to have fun or debate a topic, welcome to my dm 🤓Maybe WE can will be a virtual friends🍻
RE: What do y'all do when you're angry or upset?
I listen to this song because it leaves me traveling to childhood and remembering the good and bad times that I spent it and after that I understand that life is short and does not deserve our anger and Sadness
RE: Question for TWS moderators.
@Katherine-k Cause they don't deserve this role
RE: Question for TWS moderators.
@TheRisingSun but nobody said these other reasons on the pubchat🤔🤔