@Juan-Rios im ok hru

Posts made by jaz3337
Anyone in jax, FL im 15f
I want someone to kidnap me plz
RE: Plz kidnap me 15f
@Katherinee thats cool lol but u cant pick me up 😅
RE: Plz kidnap me 15f
@Katherinee oml ur lying to me😅
Plz kidnap me 15f
Plz im in Florida i rly want to go plz. i dont care what u do to me i just want to leave plz come take me out of my house plz i need someone to take me away do whatever u want with me i dont care plz
@rubel you have been followed
@shaun-durwin that's a good way to think😊
I have to live here bc, well, my mom is here and I live with her😅😅 that's interesting tho, and I hope you are making the grass greener!😅 -
RE: Another Question looking for an Answer ;)
@shaun-durwin yeah, that could work lol😊
@shaun-durwin rly?! I would rather live in the Uk!! I think it's just bc I've lived here forever.
Florida also has a lot of crazy people😅😅 and homeless ppl😂 -
RE: Another Question looking for an Answer ;)
@shaun-durwin oh, well before answering the actual question😅😅 may I say, I LOVE LET IT GO!!I never got tired of it, and I also feel like it's a powerful song, but it's less weird for me ig bc I'm younger😅😅
Idk if I have any embarrising movies, considering my friends like watching documentaries(and I do too). I might say Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, but the 2nd version with Johnny Depp, just bc ppl don't like his acting in it. I've been watching that version since I was little, so I enjoy it a lot.
I don't think I would be embarrassed by any of my movies, I can only think of, maybe The Sound of Music or Percy Jackson: The Lightening Thief(but I never read the book for that so...) -
cuz I want to see who, and I need friends near me, so I can have a life😅😅I'm in Jacksonvile!!😊👌
RE: Another Question looking for an Answer ;)
@shaun-durwin FROZEN IS ONE OF MY MOVIES TOO!!! I also enjoy the Hunger Games series, Train to Busan, Basically anything pixar and disney....and other stuff, but I'm too tired to type it out😅😅
Why do you enjoy Frozen??
I think I mainly like it because of the singing and animation! I enjoy good animation😆 -
RE: Who's into this? ... or that? .... or what-other?
@shaun-durwin oooh😮 that sounds interesting😊😊
I appreciate any show that shows character development, I'll for sure check it out😊I feel like Criminal Minds also has character development, which explains why I kept up with it 😅😅
And as the seasons gone by I think the viewer becomes more emotionally attached to all the characters, especially if a case directly targets one of them...
Anyways thanks for the recommendation and overview of Gotham😊😊 -
RE: Who's into this? ... or that? .... or what-other?
@shaun-durwin 😅😅I watch the net flix a lot, well I used to but I feel like I watched everything in interested in. So I won't be watching anything new, other than new seasons of Criminal Minds😅.
I hope you find more on the net flix than I did, and if you do watch Criminal Minds, i hope you enjoy it😊I heard Gotham was good though, has it been on awhile..?🤔🤔 I need shows to watch😅
RE: Just wandered what was your choice in this pressing matter
@shaun-durwin I'm a converse person, but Idk why exactly😅I guess they're just comfortable and stylish for me. I've been wearing the brand for awhile, but that's not that long ig. They're easy to find too, except the unicorn ones😝😝
RE: Who's into this? ... or that? .... or what-other?
@shaun-durwin I've watched True Blood before, and I love vampires, but I never rly got into any other vampire shows...weird. But honestly I don't keep up with any show or genre, other then Criminal Minds😅😅
RE: Anyone my age I can talk to..?I'm 15f btw😊😊
@jackjones8278 ur profile pick is rly iffy......😶😶
RE: Anyone my age I can talk to..?I'm 15f btw😊😊
@nina-19 idk it just wouldn't open or smth🤔