I love the films, but I love the books more. The books had more detail and they don't feel rushed. My favorite film is Goblet of Fire and my favorite character is Luna (Hagrid in the books).
Best posts made by Jacob55
RE: Who loves Harry Potter!
RE: Would you rather burn or freeze to death?
Freeze, I hate being hot. Lol
But seriously, freezing to death seems more subtle and you may pass out before you die. -
RE: Why is it so hard to be our true selves?
@ellielee I agree. Sometimes I feel like I'm 90% myself... But that last 10% is bad, weird, or inappropriate. To an extent it is true. We have conditioned ourselves in society to have a level of "acceptable". Anything outside of that you have to justify. Even if it's not THAT bad.
RE: What do you think will happen after we die?
@thestrangest I feel the same. Hey, I've got no proof but my own experiences that I'm inadequate at expressing or sharing. I really appreciate our discussion. And thank @layla for such an awesome subject!
Random chat or otherwise, If you are there to chat, chat!
I love random chat because it's, well, random. I start talking to someone and they ask a question, I answer... And almost a minute goes by. Please be sure that if you are chatting with someone, be polite and don't get distracted. If you need a break, let the person know. Am I alone in thinking this?
RE: Hey you!! Come answer this!
My worst internal struggle is fighting the urge to be unfaithful. Whether it's through images, checking out a woman longer than I should, or straight up thinking, "man, I want someone else!", it is a constant battle. How I deal with it is being open about it with my woman. Telling her how I feel. Sometimes it is a serious conversation that might end rough, but most of the time we just let it out and move on. Just because you are fighting internally doesn't mean you can't have backup.
RE: Stop being gay - I will not put a longer title TWS
@thestrangest I thought I followed you... Well, I have rectified that blunder
RE: What would you name your kids and why?
We named our son Jack and our daughter Claire. Both names carry sentimental value as well as being cool names.
RE: What is your imagination about god?
As some may know, I believe in God. My belief is based on personal revelation and personal witness. I have not met God in person. To describe someone or something you haven't interacted with is near impossible.
However, if I were to attempt a description, I would that God is a celetially evolved being of flesh and bone in the form of a human adult. -
RE: What would you name your kids and why?
@thestrangest Captain Jack Sparrow, Jack Ryan (played by Harrison Ford), Jack Skellington, and Jack and the Beanstalk.
Claire Redfield from Resident Evil. -
RE: What is your imagination about god?
@pinkfloyd most, if not all, atheists only claim to not know for sure if God exists. They may err on the side of "probably not" and science gives conceivable answers to many of life's questions. Purpose, morality, connection are all subjective and therefore unreliable in debate. If you believe in God, hold to that. For someone to not agree is not the end of the world.
RE: What is your imagination about god?
@thestrangest According to man. What better way to manipulate than to have people believe that they are insignificant? If man created God than we are creatures with self appointed purpose existing on a blue planet somewhere in a universe of energy.
If man is created by God, than we are all sons and daughters of a superior being with a divine purpose to inherit all that God has.
But that's just a theory, I suppose. -
RE: What do you think about an open relationship?
I knew a married couple who tried it and unfortunately they got divorced. The wife connected with another guy and left her husband. The husband found another woman who he really liked and is with her now. If someone is thinking about having an open relationship they need to be direct and clear as to why and what they expect. Could be a million different reasons, but once it is out they can go from there.
RE: What is your imagination about god?
@thestrangest You were debating me? I thought we were sharing ideas? I'm not trying to be facetious, by the way.
At no point did I say you were wrong or that I was right, and vise versa. I didn't say, "I know 100% for sure that God exists", you have been saying to us believers, "you have no proof and there is no proof, therefore God doesn't exist." Belief, though it can be mislead, is defined as:- an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists.
- trust, faith, or confidence in someone or something.
You don't accept the existence of God. Why? Because peer reviewed scientists, smart men and women, have unequivocally proved life's process. From the big bang theory through the theory of evolution. They didn't prove God exists.
I believe the big bang theory. I believe the theory of evolution. To the best of my knowledge I didn't once renounce them. Also, I'm not asking you to believe in God. It's not your desire nor your prerogative. I respect that and won't ask you to pray to invisible sky daddy. Which ever one is out there.
I come here to share ideas, not prove my prowess in intellectual debate. I'm not good at debating. I'm sure you have seen that.
I appreciate you and the detail you put into our discussions... debates, I guess. Haha.
Thailand for the Elephant encounters, Tokyo for Disneyland Tokyo, and Scotland for ancestral reasons.