Don't you guys think that all those trendy designer handbags are ridiculously overpriced? I am not broke but when I look at those prices, I don't really understand why on Earth people waste that much money on a simple accessory, even though its quality is really good.

Best posts made by Hoon Wey
Designer Handbags
Latest posts made by Hoon Wey
RE: Do u do any special care on ur care :)
Of course, there are a lot of gels and soaps which prevent acne and I recommend you to read the Korean scheme of skincare, it is really advanced there. When it comes to anti-age care and fight against wrinkles, the situation gets more difficult. Many people advise Plexaderm as a useful means against it but I have never tried it myself.
RE: WOULD YOU RATHER(Dogs or cats)
I would like to have dogs as pets because they are clever. I am sure that dogs are our best friends and they love us. That's why my decision is obvious. Cats are also very pretty but they are not very devoted. Moreover, I like to play with dogs and they make you go out for a walk. This is awesome!
RE: Views about marijuana
I am not a very religious or moral person. Consequently, I don't care about smoking weed. I don't smoke it for pleasure but sometimes I use provacan cbd to improve the way how I feel. So, I am in the middle.
RE: What’s your favorite season? Why?
Summer of course becaue I love camping so much
RE: Has an NFL team ever started 0-5 and made it to the playoffs?
The only way to find out is browsing through a website with NFL stats, here is the one that I use , if you have some spare time, you can do a research to find an answer to your questions. Or you need to ask someone who is a huge football lover and who watches all the NFL games for quite a long time, only such a person could tell you if such a thing ever happened or not.
RE: On gasoline powered boats when should the blower be operated?
I am pretty sure that i should depend on an exact boat model and design. There is now standard location, as far as I know.
RE: So schools out and I have no idea what to do 😂
For me going to school is a bigger problem than not knowing how to waste all the spare time I have on a summer break.
RE: Country Ying Yang 🌎
Another snow lover here =) Don't know why you guys like it so much... I hate when it's cold outside and snowy weather sin't usually warm so that's just not for me.
RE: Moving and living in Thailand
I am also thinking about moving to Thailand now. Got a good job offer which could be come a great step forward in my career but changing country seems to be a crazy thing. Still can't decide if that's a good idea or not.
Designer Handbags
Don't you guys think that all those trendy designer handbags are ridiculously overpriced? I am not broke but when I look at those prices, I don't really understand why on Earth people waste that much money on a simple accessory, even though its quality is really good.