what you do if you can't get a date. But masturbation is a sexual relationship you have forever. Lovers come and go, but you always have yourself. Masturbation is also a wonderful way to explore your responses. There's no performance anxiety. Nobody else to please. You can let your mind wander, try things out in fantasy, and see what works. It's a way of staying in touch with what makes you hot, and a great way to pass the time.

Controversial posts made by Haunter
Is there anything women still don't get about masturbation?
What about erotic literature?
I think women read erotica to get in a sexy mood, but they don't get so excited that they masturbate. Erotic literature isn't like male porn. What I pick are storiesโthere are characters, purpose. The sex isn't the point. I think that's what women want, the context. I hate to admit it, but I guess we want the love.