you’ve had a frustrating experience with a male human, or perhaps several. It’s certainly true that research points to some men not being socialized to value emotional intelligence as highly as some women. Is that what you’re talking about? Ok so that's according to science, but from me,a boy, some of us are lovable and understanding ,so please, don't jump into conclusions...

Best posts made by Haunter
Are boys stupid?
The walking dead or game of thrones?
The Walking Dead is the third most watched show on television. ... While available on network television, the show's ratings drastically exceed those amassed by Game of Thrones (8m in comparison). Still, with a record-breaking 38 Emmys to boot, it's clear that 'experts' deem HBO's fantasy series the superior show.
What is most likely to end the world (doomsday)
- Nuclear war
A nuclear detonation from one of today’s more powerful weapons would cause a fatality rate of 80 to 95 percent in the blast zone stretching out to a radius of 4 kilometers — although “severe damage” could reach six times as far.
But it isn’t just the immediate deaths we need to worry about — it’s the nuclear winter. This is when the clouds of dust and smoke released shroud the planet and block out the sun, causing temperatures to drop, possibly for years. If 4,000 nuclear weapons were detonated — a possibility in the event of all-out nuclear war between the US and Russia, which hold the vast majority of the world’s stockpile — an untold number of people would be killed, and temperatures could drop by 8 degrees Celsius over four to five years. Humans wouldn’t be able to grow food; chaos and violence would ensue.
A big worry here is the arsenal of nukes. While numbers have fallen over several decades, the United States and Russia have just under 7,000 warheads each, the largest collections in the world. The UK, France, China, India, Pakistan, North Korea, and Israel all have nuclear weapons.
Hundreds of nuclear weapons are ready to be released within minutes, a troubling fact considering that the biggest threat of nuclear war may be an accident or miscommunication. A few times since the 1960s, Russian officers (and, in 1995, the president) narrowly decided not to launch a nuclear weapon in response to what they’d later find out were false alarms.
- Nuclear war
Are first heartbreaks really that bad?🤔
As Sheryl Crow once sang, "The first cut is the deepest." Does anyone care to disagree? Our first love is a thrilling whirlwind of emotions and experiences we've never had before. From our first kiss to, ahem, some other firsts, our first love often provides us with memories that last a lifetime. So, as Crow states, when that love severs and our hearts break, it can be pretty dang painful. Something so pure and wonderful suddenly turned dark and agonizing. But hey, we can't deny that just like how our first love helps us grow, so do our first heartbreaks. In fact our first heartbreaks can shape the way we deal with relationships for the rest of our lives!
FYI... I'm cuffed.
RE: Are first heartbreaks really that bad?🤔
@Ash005 Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
Which is the most romantic language?
For me it's latin and Spanish.......
I mean just vibe with this..
Hola amigos, ¿qué está pasando? Quiero decir, el español tiene un timbre ... "Hola Abby mi amor, te amo -
Is magic real?..... what do you think!
Nothing is really anyway,
Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen -
My last dax
Wish I would've not held back
Wish I would've not fell back
Wish I would've helped my dad
Wish I would've fucked that bitch when I had the chance
Wish I would've sold my soul
Just to get fame and all
Should have played basketball
Nigga was masterful
Wait! -
RE: Are first heartbreaks really that bad?🤔
Let's just say things got a little complicated.
My mood right now
It's a brand new day
Leave back all your worries and troubles of yesterday,
Make yourself a silent promise to make today a better day.
Now my dear friend, a brand new day lays ahead of you,
Face it with pride, because it is a gift and is totally new.
May all your goals and ambitions for the day be set,
I wish you have an amazing day and a night without regrets.
Good morning buddy. Have a grand day! -
Who else feels like, like just screaming!!
¿Quién más tiene ganas de gritar fuera de sí mismo?
RE: Are boys stupid?
@celosa not all of us are that way, I'm a living example
RE: Online relationships. Yes or no?
@ShayThatBae that's a nice argument but agree to disagree,my parents met online and had an online relationship for about 3yrs while my dad was in England and my mom New York... so under certain situations, online relationships do work.. it's just a matter of how you handle them...+time will
RE: It's a brand new day
@Alireza-iran have a nice day too Ali
Hey, how's your day so far?,🤠
There’s a lot of shit going on right now. There always is, but it’s been particularly sharp and thorny lately, and sometimes we need someone to put that into the words we just don’t have in us. Words that make us feel heard and understood, that acknowledge our pain and how heavy life can feel
My life, your life, wtf,who cares?😒😞
My life was the size of my life.
Its rooms were room-sized,
its soul was the size of a soul.
In its background, mitochondria hummed,
above it sun, clouds, snow,
the transit of stars and planets.
It rode elevators, bullet trains,
various airplanes, a donkey.
It wore socks, shirts, its own ears and nose.
It ate, it slept, it opened
and closed its hands, its windows.
Others, I know, had lives larger.
Others, I know, had lives shorter.
The depth of lives, too, is different.
There were times my life and I made jokes together.
There were times we made bread.
Once, I grew moody and distant.
I told my life I would like some time,
I would like to try seeing others.
In a week, my empty suitcase and I returned.
I was hungry, then, and my life,
my life, too, was hungry, we could not keep
our hands off our clothes on
our tongues from -
Good night my friends..
After a long dry and a very tiring day,
the good old night is finally on your way.
It is time when the moon up there glows and gleams,
And the hour when it tells us to have sweet dreams.
So my dear friend reward yourself with sleep tonight,
Here I stop by to your side, to wish you a good night.