@bela-hella Not being beautiful is the true blessing. I wish I knew it.

Posts made by Gretta
RE: You Suddenly Have One Wish - Spend it Wisely
RE: Hella Crazy Would you rather question by Bela
Merman. Men are primal savages. Brute force will always win against reason and logic.
RE: What is your favorite video game?
@ash33 I mostly play micro management games such as Rimworld, which by far my favorite and Factorio :=)
RE: What is your favorite video game?
@ash33 Originally console game, but you find it on PC.
RE: I'm Gonna Die Tomorrow...
@wildwallflower Whenever you're ready. I've already done it! It's quite a rush!!!!
RE: I'm Gonna Die Tomorrow...
@wildwallflower I love to hear people say that. Life is very short. People like to say it all the time and they stress over a bill. I'd rather go sky diving lol
RE: I'm Gonna Die Tomorrow...
@wildwallflower A life of regret and wasted opportunities... Shoulda, would've, could have... plus I just love George Michael lol
RE: 13//want to talk to new people
Get off this site, MAN!
RE: Can people live happily alone? Or do we need a companion?
You can try to live happily alone but you will always want a friend.
RE: In what situations, do you wish you could throw down a smoke bomb and disappear?
Room full of bearded men with tattoos and and on steroids. Ewwww...
RE: Hey Im Gay Ask me anything
@jayler So you can have good time, no strings attached!