@Janet oh goodness! I can imagine. I'm curious though, how do you feel when you watch that movie again now?

Best posts made by Fana
RE: What is your first childhood memory?
Let's build a story...
As I looked out the window, a black Honda pulled up in our driveway. I knew this day would come. It was finally time to face him.
(add to this story as you deem best. Let's try and build a story together. Note: please refrain from profanity and lewdness)
RE: What kind of secret society would you like to start?
@sup Ahahaha. It be like that sometimes.
I'm not sure what your stance is on this but gender undoubtedly is a social construct. I'm happy to discuss this more if you're open to it. It's one of the topics I have a keen interest in. -
RE: What is your first childhood memory?
@Janet ahahaha damn. I feel like that about ATLA. Though my reasons of crying are sheer emotional pain while watching this
RE: Best Anime you've ever watched!
@sleepysaint I love the end credits of Jujutsu Kaisen! It is definitely a good anime. Storywise, I suppose I'd consider fullmetal alchemist or Attack on Titan the best. Artwise, Tian Guan Ci Fu and Mo dao Zu shi are stunning!
But, and I know that this may be controversial because some people still don't consider it an anime, my all time favourite anime is Avatar-The Last Airbender. Man, that show sticks with you for a lifetime. -
RE: Does the internet make you sadder or happier?
@Rajeev2021 It's really nice to hear your journey with the internet. I suppose I understand what you mean by the change in your perspective over time.
I guess, the argument is always the same across eons for something like this. Can a "tool" really be good or bad? Guns protect but also kill. Dynamite is a weapon of mass destruction but also the tool that lets us create tunnels in mountains. AI is transforming all professions but also risking an unprecedented loss of jobs. I guess everything has a flip side. What is it, then, that decides whether something is used for good or evil? Is it dependent on human perception of good and bad? But what if the perception is warped? for example, when a thing that is good for one man may be evil for another. Who decides which man's preference must be followed? -
RE: What are you obsessed with rn?
@Ash ooh what's on your playlist right now?
RE: What is beauty?
@Ash I hit a wall every time I try to look for an answer to this question and to any existential questions, really.
I have been wondering what would be an ideal society, and I swear I can find no answer to it. It is impossible to create a society (at least with the current human ethics) that is "fair to all." There will always be those who struggle and those who don't need to, those who have everything and those who have nothing, those who live and those who die. Is this harmony? This relentless cycle of human existence? What good is "good" if the very definition of "goodness" is relative and not absolute? Is one person's life more precious than another's? -
RE: What are you obsessed with rn?
@Ash haha, what a funny song. XD
RE: What are you obsessed with rn?
@The-Mods well hello, fellow overthinker :). It is surprising but also good that you don't obsess over things. I tend to hyperfixate on a topic for weeks and then once I'm saturated with the content, it gets easy to pick the next pot of honey. Do you have a song that you're stuck with right now?
RE: What are you obsessed with rn?
@nihan32109 Ohno, hope you get to climb out of this hole soon.
RE: What kind of music are you into?
@sleepysaint alternative music is something I recently realised I had been listening to all this while. Basically anything non-mainstream. Foo Fighters, radiohead, etc full under this. Check out this playlist on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1DWVqJMsgEN0F4?si=4815ca23ead04736
You might enjoy it.
RE: What is your first childhood memory?
@kaia_ Oh! So beautiful!
RE: Can someone recommend me a good read that you read lately?
The Silmarillion by JRR Tolkien will always and forever be the first book I recommend to anybody :D. Everything about that book is unearthly and yet so absurdly relatable. I love the way Tolkien amalgamates all the mythology he consumed into this book. But you must remember to read it with the other parts (Ainulindale, Valaquenta, Children of Hurin, etc) of this fantasy world. I am telling you, if you enjoy fantasy, you will NOT be disappointed.
If you're just looking for a light but thrilling read, "Gone Girl" is a decent page turner. Then there are always the dystopian classics, 1984, Brave New World, etc. Ooh, also any of Murakami's work really.
Recently, Mo Xiang Tong Xiu's works have become my guilty pleasure (hehehe). If you're into yaoi and donghua, you will love this work. The characters are intense and the stories are pretty engaging.
Finally, if all this is too much of a light read for you and if you like reading about sociology, like I do, I recommend "The protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism" by Max Weber. I got a change to check it out recently and man, it has some fascinating perspectives. Ooh! and you should definitely go to https://www.goodreads.com/, I love that they have some epic recommendations tailored to one's preference.
RE: Anyone up for becoming health buddies?
@kaia_ thanks! it was kinda fun today! Oh btw, what kinda dance are you learning?