@reivaX Should we try to go revive another old topic?
Posts made by faA
RE: I'm not deleting my account
RE: I'm not deleting my account
@reivaX Time to necro some old topics and confuse everyone. Also it's been 20 days? It feels like weeks at this point.
RE: Mr. Green SQUARE's life story part 1
Is there Mrs. Green Square?
RE: I'm not deleting my account
What are you talking about? You're still on tws daily if not you're just lurking.
RE: **Catch me** - for those who can relate
Oooo. That was great poem. You have to recite it out one day. @Dimple00 Would love it, too.
RE: Internet Is Beautiful
Gia is something else
She smells much like myself
I thought she was such a bobo
But she's more like a yo-yo
She laughs and plays all day
Because she knows its the way
To my heart, you're already there
Just don't wander to far from here -
RE: If your Asian... comment here!
We're doing confirmations now? Woah. @Ella-26 is definitely a Merman.
RE: If your Asian... comment here!
@Ella-26 Obviously because you're not Asian. You're a Merman. smh
RE: How can someone be so madly in someone's love đź’•
@Katherine-k Enough to share a piece of myself with you.
RE: How can someone be so madly in someone's love đź’•
@Katherine-k Of, course I always have time for you. Sometimes it just takes a little bit of time and searching to find the right words to convene my feelings to you.
RE: How can someone be so madly in someone's love đź’•
Best to have known that feeling of love than to have never been loved before, my dear.
She may be broken and in pieces, but whose to say that someone else won't come along and help her rebuild?
There's always someone who will come along and mend what was broken and build something stronger and better.
She doesn't need him. Hell, she doesn't even need anyone else. She's already capable of doing things herself.
She's stronger than she thinks she is, and I hope she realized that one day.
Time mends all wounds.
RE: Fuck human existence
Yeah, human existence sucks. Existence is pain, suffering, grief, guilt, fear, anger. . .
So many things about living makes me wonder why we're here and what we're here for.You every right to just be mad and at everything and everyone, but it never has to be that way.
The first person I wake up to everyday is me. I can may a choice to look at all the ugly and dark things in the world and let that black hole swallow me whole or choose to remember all the joy and good things I have in my life.
Family, friends, laughter, joy, bravery, love, these are things that remind me why life is so important.
@Maddison-Fish Find what makes you tick and try. It's hard at first but with a little practice I'm sure it won't be too bad. If not, it's okay to feel this way. Life is a drag, but it's what we make of it that's important.
Take care, Aafro
RE: **What are promises and memories?**
Memories are like a promise to never forget.
Promises are a moment locked in a memory.
You can't have one without the other.
We make promises with the memory that they will come true.
Life is cruel and sometimes our promises are broken just like how our memories are always fleeting.A broken promise or a lost memory.
A lost memory of a broken promise.
Two sides of the same coin. -
RE: so i talked to the old guitarest for Falling in Reverse
@Gorlwithanime that's rockin. Just the fact that he spent that time learning and you showed genuine interest most definitely made his day. Keep us posted if anything new comes up. Also post some song suggestions or things you like listening to, also.
RE: Shoot the shit if you want
@The_Holy_Knight Are we supposed to still talk here?
@NatalieNastyy You still around and kicking?
@Gorlwithanime Might as well draw some more attention here.
RE: so i talked to the old guitarest for Falling in Reverse
@Gorlwithanime That's wicked cool. You should definitely follow his social followings if he has them. You should show us what he taught you one of these days.
RE: I'm not lonely, you are! F(??) Check for it.
@NatalieNastyy Well, we can definitely jam one of these days. Drop that steam id in my dms. haha.
RE: I'm not lonely, you are! F(??) Check for it.
@NatalieNastyy You're ranked plat 2? You're gonna have to carry me then. I barely made it out of Bronze in League of Legends. The games are basically comparable, right?