@kartik-negi I think the 1st movies are always better .. but I do think both are really good!

Posts made by evie
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RE: Books!! I 💛 To Read!!
@alwaysstranger hmm thanks!!! I will definitely look into those! 😁
RE: Books!! I 💛 To Read!!
@alwaysstranger yeah sure! I would still like to if could get into it
RE: Books!! I 💛 To Read!!
@alwaysstranger yupp .. but tbh I'll probably get bored.. I get bored very easily..
RE: Books!! I 💛 To Read!!
@alwaysstranger health & social definitively...
RE: Books!! I 💛 To Read!!
@grant-nicklin I've actually never read that before.. Ima be honest I became a book love about 2 years ago and no it was not because of Fifty! Lol most people think that but no ... ive only stuck to romance and I love to read about the mafia 👈🏼 Yes I know ... random lol
RE: Books!! I 💛 To Read!!
@alwaysstranger my life!?! Okie dokie! Umm my life is hectic! I work long hours so I hardly have time to do anything .. I hardly sleep I have bad insomnia... but other than that everything else is normal I guess lol idk what kind of books do u read?
Books!! I 💛 To Read!!
Currently reading Wrong by Jana Aston
Any recommendations??
@cutie-cat thank you!! You're too sweet! 😉
@cutie-cat doing great.. trying to go to sleep but that's not happening lol
@ali1900 aww thanks! 😉 @cutie-cat hi!! 😁
RE: New here...
@blahlahblah @Ali1900 same here!!! Just started following you! 😁 Good luck with ur update!
RE: New here...
@blahlahblah mine updated a couple days ago.. but is ur internet not good? My dad is from Guatemala and internet service over there is the worst!
RE: New here...
@ali1900 but thank you 😊God has blessed me with my job... I love it.. I think that's y I don't mind working all those hours
RE: New here...
@ali1900 Gotta be at work in about 5 hours and then work a 12 hr maybe a bit more than 12 hrs..