The past, so I can kill them

Posts made by Elf
RE: What special skill do u believe u have ?
@_ajay_ my special power is being better then everyone, wow that sounded really egotistical
The book is fuck yourself a deeper dive into what it’s like to annoy people
RE: Look who made it
@thedragonking like I give a shit man just come on more often besides I don’t know what time it is there
RE: Look who made it
@thedragonking I only do that because you never go on
Look who made it
So guys we did it a quarter of a mil-
Only joking, today’s a seriously good day, one I’m gonna celebrate a l o n. E.
Anyone who bothers to listen to my BS here knows that I hate living in Russia it’s garbage and the people here garbage.
It’s even harder losing your parents with no money and no fucking support from no one
I’ve been trying my ass off cough illegally cough
I got enough money to finally move after a while and set up a idea to move where I can start over and have a chance
I’m living in Ireland now we’ll not yet just got here through the tears and rain, I’m so excited to finally make some decent Friends here in Ireland.
I honestly fucking love you cunts for listening to my bullshit G motherfucking G guys-Elf
RE: Shoutout for all Badasses out there
I’m so badass it’s illegal to mention I- oh fuck the Russian spec ops are here
RE: 3 wishes ONLYYYYY
@kat_15 my 1st wish is that all of your wishes never came true
2nd I want a sandwich
3rd I want better internet -
RE: Whats better black girls or white?
@sandrastripe white so I could see her in the dark
RE: Just give me these upvote things for free and see how far i get (1000 please) , THX LOVE YOU ALL
@therisingsun HoLy shIT this is sO saD can we hit 100 upvotes?!1
RE: What would you say at my funeral?
@just-love-me h0ly sh1t ni🅱️🅱️a they ded af!!11 🔥💯🔥💯
elf the cancer cell in a nutshell
RE: I´m a German. What do you want to know about Germany?
@thomson where in Germany can I sign up to be a nazi?
RE: What do you want to know about TWS?
@ragnar who’s the new Nemisis? Unless I still am not new here just wondering who took my place
Elf here, should I change my name?
Should I change my name? I mean elf is boring to you right? Idk tell me what you think and leave suggestions, and please let them be good.