A loooooooooooot of things. A whole lot lmao

Posts made by Elayne
RE: what's worse than a heartbreak?
RE: How did you come up with your username???
I stole it from some gamer friend
RE: What are the biggest problems that our current generation have today?
I'd say it's the lack of education, most of us young ones are not properly educated and have to find out everything on our own and the hard way too. Some never get it and sadly that's the majority of people and only end up getting how things work on very late ages like 30 or 40. We are not taught the basic aspects of the world at a young age and we end up growing and everyone'd not bother teaching them to you because you're already big. Another thing would be corruption, corruption is everywhere and it's hard to deal with it and accept it, and back to my first issue the lack of education only makes it worse. I never had a single lesson of sex education, not from my parents not from my school, and even if i'd have had any it would have been a bad lesson, I never was taught to stand up and speak for myself, instead they told me to do the other way around, to shut up and do nothing about it etc etc there's plenty of examples
RE: if you owned an island, how would you call it and what rules would you make?
Making your own rules over a society is not that simple so I'll leave that for a private message if anyone cares but I'd name it Shiro
RE: Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?
The answer is pretty simple, all religions are religions of terrorism. In each one of them there's been a lot of blood and a lot of dead people it only takes you a good analysis. Every religion is about human beings so I say none of them is worse or better than the others for we're all the same, everyone is free to believe in what they want but as anything that exists on this world everything has minuses along with pluses. If the majority of serial killers would be Christians would it turn the religion into a serial killer religion?
Whoever is able to take the life of another human is not normal anymore and they're heading down a road of evil, so my answer would be even if I wanted to chances are I simply won't be able to do it ^^
RE: Would you rather always be 10 minutes late or always be 20 minutes early?
20 mins early since you can change the future but cannot change the past
RE: If a child somehow survived and grew up in the wilderness without any human contact, how “human” would they be without the influence of society and culture?
Well at this point he'd be more human than the majority of actual humans out there, and in the same time close to being an animal, but at least animals do not know what's good and bad unlike humans who do bad and are perfectly aware of it. The child would only take just how much he needs, he'll eat when he's hungry and he'll drink when he's thirsty, he'd have no greed or envy too, nor fury, rage lust whatever anything the boy would do would be to actually survive
RE: If someone you loved was killed in front of you, but someone created a copy of them that was perfect right down to the atomic level, would they be the same person and would you love them just as much?
So long as you're aware the real person is dead I do not think one could possibly feel the same way he/she felt for that person even if they came back from the dead themselves. Tho about love that's a tricky one definitely a no for the copy tho.
I'm missing you Vanessa!
I was having a really nice chat with someone named Vanessa would be nice to have you back ^^