@Smoking-Hot fine thanks doe
Best posts made by Dat_thing xoxo
RE: Read please guys.....
@Xbroken-but-okX then ACTUALLY TALK TO ME in pm and NOT IGNORE ME
RE: Read please guys.....
@wet-teri aww thanks I do love hugs but virtual hugs hehe ✌✌✌
RE: @picess is a pedo
I have reported him but I'm hoping he'll get banned or ya
I feel sorta depressed....
The roses have wilted
The violets are dead
The demons run circles
Round and round my head -
Ok so I've been taking a break that's why I haven't been uploading my story once I've finished the whole.intire.story. I'll do all of those pieces in one long post ya know soooooooooo yeahhhhh xD
RE: My first thingie of my group xd
@Canadian-guy I wished I could go back to Canada Niagara falls and the polar bears and northern lights are magnificent hehe and that's cool I live in the South East of the uk xd r.i.p
RE: My first thingie of my group xd
@Canadian-guy well the uk were coming out of quarantine and it's fair enough to say it's getting worse especially Minneapolis or whatever it's called is out of control and just the whole of the US says they have it under control but they honestly don't if I could protest I would but I'm currently in shielding and I'm just honestly sad angry it's just one big fight to earn well not even earn they demand there rights and if that's what they want then we will not stop until they, we, I get what we want
RE: My first thingie of my group xd
@Canadian-guy I'm originally from Canada but I've lived in many country's but I'm in UK now
I'm back from work xd
Ok so a couple months ago I was hired at a restaurant when I was around 8-10 i had always wanted to work for my favourite restaurant and it came true I earn around 200$ a week because I only work 3 hours per week cuz I'm 14 but what I do in the kitchen is only little but this is all part of my training to becoming something bigger like a waiter or a chef in that restaurant so tbh I'm happy and it's only a half hour drive to it and I get 50% off when I wanna eat there so yeah! My life has some ditches but what I do for a living is awesome and the team I work for are all grown ups so I'm getting to learn to team up with different age groups and the place is called Vita Bella ^^ it's amazing service and it's Italian :D I am very pleased I was hired its a new experience to meh life!!!
RE: Every song that makes me think about Dennis
I know 3 of those songs and there all somehow sad lol
RE: Send me a funny vid or tell me a joke
@KitKatron I've seen dis guy but haven't watched dis vid thanks!