We will meet again
As sure as the moon revolves around our world
In the black oceans of space
Deep in infinite mystery
A design with a ruthless grace
In one form or another
One soul will pass the other by
And will know it from the words
We will know when eye meets eye
For we are made of stars
Born of earth
And divided by the sea
For all that has kept us apart
Look how the world bends to make us meet.
Best posts made by Darla Alphalfa
RE: Another poem, because why not...
RE: ... ... Babybel ?
Babybels nice in my opinion. Been years since I had one though. It's not strong tasting cheese. It's pretty mild. You don't eat the red stuff, that's wax. You gotta tear it off with the white strip. Tearing off the strip is about as close to being a hunter/gatherer as you get these days. JK. 😊 It's pretty cool.
Enjoy your babybel.
What happens when you fall for your teacher? He gives you his number but you know he's a player?
You've left college. He gave you his number. Big attraction. But not a fan of heartbreak. (He's a player). But so bored and havnt had much male attention in a while. I know what's right. But doesn't make it any easier. 😔 Dude...I'm lonely. I'm too fucking young to be this lonely. My morals get in the way sometimes. Happy new year.
RE: What's the story behind your username?
My name is after two characters from the film 'The Little Rascals' (Darla and Alfalfa) 🤔I can't remember why I chose that though. It just came into my head.
RE: Another poem, because why not...
Your poem was beautiful. I'll post a poem in response to yours because I'm bored. I'll call it 'Who are you?'
Who are you?
Your eyes hit me like bullets
Deeper than the ocean
Older than the stars
I have been searching for you
Without knowing that
We were ever apart.
Who are you?
You breathe and draw me in
I am weightless in your gaze
You are open
And I
Am falling in.(You know...🤔that's not half bad for something I just thought up on the spot). The internet can have that one on me. 😉
RE: The purpose of life
God needs nothing from us. We need God. We submit ourselves to God for our own benefit and we rebel against God at our own detriment. Peace to you 👍and welcome to the site. Ain't nobody perfect.😉 We all get sad when were ignored. I know I certainly do.
What will you do if the president does not leave office if he loses the election?
What will your course of action be as a citizen if the president chooses not to transfer power even if he loses the election? Will you be willing to fight or protest for democracy? Will you support a military coup or will you fight against it? Does the democratic process matter to you or does Trump winning the election matter more?
No judgement by the way I'm just curious. Because we are in a very distinctive and unusual time at the moment so I'm wondering about how human beings feel about this and what courses of action you as a citizen might take. If you feel there is a lack of anonymity on this site then please do not respond I don't want to get anyone into any trouble. I'm just super curious about how Americans feel about this as I'm not an American.Also what is the feeling like on the ground level? I know the media show an opposition to Trump but what is the general consensus in your area and among people you hang out with? Does there seem to be more or less support for him?
No judgement, it's all love. Thank you for any comments.
2020 is a new year. But how do we stop repeating the same mistakes? Tired of falling...
2020 is a new year. But how do we stop repeating the same mistakes? Tired of falling for the wrong person. So bored of pain. Curious about peace and happiness. Any thoughts/stories/ideas?
RE: If you could have lunch with one person who would it be?? Alive or Dead
I'd have lunch with Steve MCQueen. He is a fine ass dead man (God rest his soul)🙏😔.
But I probably would be too nervous to eat much. And we'd just end up eye f***ing. Like that scene in the Thomas crown affair with the chess game. -
RE: This FUCKING school !!!
You sound like a person of real good principle and conscience, good for you for sticking up for yourself and her!
The dead leaves fall off and make way for the green ones. Either they'll come around and follow your good example or you'll find better friends, hang in there. And those are still good grades so don't sweat it. No one can be perfect all the time! Good luck pal. ☺️👍
RE: Another poem, because why not...
@Equinox you too dude! Was a pleasure to connect with you on a creative level! All the best. Take care.
RE: What happens when you fall for your teacher? He gives you his number but you know he's a player?
@Matt_Aranha What a beautiful response. Thank you for your sincerity and advice. Made me feel much better. I can't always share these things with family and friends so sometimes it's easier with strangers because they don't judge as much. I appreciate it!
RE: do girls still appreciate NICE?
@mikeJB I can't stand 'bad boys'. I only like gentlemen, kind men who are strong (either physically or mentally). Basically the men who have masculine traits but are kind and gentle with me. (Not talking about body builders when I say strong I mean somebody who is sure of themselves but with some humility too.) Nice is a vague word. If you mean nice as in kind then that's great! If you mean nice as in too passive or overly agreeable or really insecure then nah. I've never understood the attraction of gangsta wannabes or overly aggressive men tbh. They make me cringe.
Katy B - Easy, please me
Frank Sinatra - the wee small hours of the morning
RE: Would You Actually Like To Be Famous?
Interesting question. Fame seems like a dangerous thing these days. But on the other hand there are quite alot of benefits. You can't beat the tranquility of a peaceful relatively anonymous existence though. 🤔I don't know whether I'd want fame or not. I'd be worried it would lead me to a self destructive lifestyle.
RE: do girls still appreciate NICE?
And it's the same with women, you can be a confident woman without being spiteful or some kind of super bitch. And if you're a nice man who is confident then that's great. Kindness and confidence is a killer match. And if they have a good sense of humour too...well then you're all set!
RE: Motorcycle Vigilante original story
Heyyy. So I clicked on the link and read one of your stories called "Midnight Police". Great stuff man! Really good. Keep it up. 👍