@Vlad20 honestly it’s too easy too get invested in conversations as a spectator but all you probably do is try to groom young girls and I just don’t like you at all and I don’t know you so I mean maybe you should like fall over then like be upset cause you did then stub your toe and I hope it hurts
Posts made by Balou
RE: I'm leaving tws
RE: i’m bored, i wanna make friendssss
@baldshinobi hmm would you rather be a chicken that is super strong or a cow that can talk English
RE: Are you American?
@Ashtoncoon I mean still I don’t understand why you have to attempt to undermine him by using that term imo I think it’s unnecessary to use it in a negative way and not all opinions are right however that is down to one’s preference no? This implies that I may believe my views are superior but I don’t I am willing to understand others points of views which are not but I guess you do you man.
RE: Are you American?
@Ashtoncoon I mean it correlates to having the decency of not using a term that is disrespectful to a lot of people for no reason therefore most likely implies you have no friends and you clearly are close minded you are not even trying to understand another’s view I mean you clearly won’t change and hahahahahaa you just put your views are far superior so thanks for proving my point about everything I said g have a good one.
RE: I would like it if people would not bother me right now
@Desirae you go for it lol he clearly has some form of issue so all you can hope is that he stubs his toe and like falls over in front of lots of people
RE: What is your favorite anime show ?
@jade-brown oh it’s amazing just a lot of fillers i’m starting hunter x Hunter now do you know if it’s good?
RE: I would like it if people would not bother me right now
RE: Are you American?
@Ashtoncoon I mean that fact you call me people ‘fags’ highlights I don’t have to prove I have more friends then you and I’m not I’m upset I’m just dumbfounded and can’t comprehend how someone who is one year younger then me has such a closed mindset and is so tunnel visioned with such idiotic ideals I mean never mind you probably couldn’t understand that you dumb dumb there ya go. :))
RE: I would like it if people would not bother me right now
@Handsome-Jack hahahahahahahhahahaah im sorry I know this is my place to say but you don’t get nudes you the type of guy to go on a night out, post ‘sick night with the boys’ when you go out by yourself and you don’t talk to any girls don’t hype yourself up
RE: I would like it if people would not bother me right now
@Handsome-Jack I didn’t realise it was possible to be that thirsty you tell someone to kys after failing to get someone lol you are the type of person who puts milk in before the cereal
RE: Are you American?
@Ashtoncoon I really hope you slip down some stairs and sprain your ankle. And I love how you have know response to being called a cunt cause you know you are lol ooo the union yeh have fun with no friends.
RE: Are you American?
@Scottish Yh but he’s a ginger American that was a given
RE: Are you American?
@Scottish so it isn’t just me who wants to toe punt him back too the civil war?
RE: Are you American?
@Ashtoncoon all I’m saying is you being ‘insane’ gives you no reason to be a cunt