@TheGoldenMole Apparently so but eh, my mouth feels weird while eating them anyways so idrc.

Posts made by astral-baby
RE: Which Would You Let Go? Part 2
RE: let’s be friends🤩
@deeandrra Hi! I’m Anita, I’m 15 (16 in April) and I live in Canada. It’s nice to meet you ☺️
RE: Which Would You Let Go? Part 2
@TheGoldenMole I’d let go of bananas. I like them a decent amount, but love the others vv much 👁👅👁
RE: Cockroach milk is a thing.
@Karina-Kara ew, not gonna click it bc even hearing (or rather, reading) “cockroach” scares me!! No cockmilk of that kind for me, thank you very much 😤👁🕳👁
RE: What Is Your Talent
@TheGoldenMole Awe, well if ya need help, I’m your girl 😎💗
RE: ♥ red devotion ♥
@Karina-Kara That was absolutely beautiful, wow! 😮❤️❤️❤️
RE: What Is Your Talent
@TheGoldenMole Sometimes I can peel a boiled egg in under 3 seconds, but that’s probably quite common,,,,, none really, asides from that.
RE: Is this a problem or am I just a sensitive baby?
@TheGoldenMole I mean, it is quite prevalent to be honest. Though, I’m not the best gal to ask on this matter since if I make pervy jokes as well, and if it gets too awkward, I just either stop the convo or troll. Just praying that boundaries are known and acknowledged, but unfortunately, they usually aren’t. I’ll be hoping for the best for everyone and that no discomfort shall meet you in this matter ig. All in all though, as long as I know them somewhat and know they’re joking (unless the feelings are reciprocated), I’m fine with it. Right off the bat is a no-no, though.
RE: ♥ red devotion ♥
@Lurker Ahhh, thank you sooooo much!! It all actually just started with me messing around on my iPad. I had downloaded this new drawing app and wanted to get a feel for all the tools. And ooh, that’s very thoughtful, I’ll leave ya wondering 😅💕
RE: Any Canadians? Let's hangout ✌
@mountianman That’s great to hear and ahaha, wow. To be honest, I quite like the snow and the cold, but I’m starting to get sick of it a little bit too :’))
RE: How do you (if you do) deal with anxiety?
@TheGoldenMole I just keep myself busy or give myself an outlet of sorts. A lot of the time I remind myself I’m overreacting if I get too paranoid as I get super anxious over the smallest of things, but I have a few coping mechanisms that help me as well.
RE: Here’s a little something I wrote maybe two years ago in grade 8 :’)
@cjko Thank you, and yep! Though, don’t know much about it yet, I’m learning. It’s real fun. However,,, I mostly chose this picture bc it’s from a group I like and it’s just super pretty to me 😅
RE: Here’s a little something I wrote maybe two years ago in grade 8 :’)
@Brain-Yam Awe haha, thank you- you’re the one who dragged me back after all, smh 🙄❤️
RE: Here’s a little something I wrote maybe two years ago in grade 8 :’)
@cjko Awe that’s wonderful to hear!! I’ll be sure to check some of em out~ 😊💕