To throw light on the answer to the above question, It will be important to state one of the laws of nature " Energy/Matter Can Neither Be Created Nor Destroyed" Life is a form of energy/matter so it can Never end but rather transformed.
When a child is born the mind of the child is in a state of Tabularasa ( A clean slate ) While one lives the slate is been filled up with the life time experiences of the person. The person is always conscious of all which he does, good or bad. Throughout the life time of the person he creates different types of consciousness/energy, all written on the Slate, during this period of time the Slate can be edited.
When the person dies the Physical body is transformed to dust, and there's is a FULL STOP on the Slate which has been filled with different forms of energy/consciousness. It can never be rewritten or edited at this point. After life begins with the person being awaken to a different consciousness, in this new state the persons evaluates him/her self with what ever is on the slate for eternity. If the person was a good person and lived a fulfilled life, the person will be accomplished, happy, joyous, and blissful in that consciousness (Most people perceive this state of consciousness to be Heaven). But, if the person was a bad and wicked person while he/she lived, their will be a feeling of anguish, guilt, sadness ,failure and restlessness. (Most people perceive this sate of consciousness to be Hell.) All these happens for eternity.