@Kens0me dang I completely missed 2k17 maybe I was busy in playing table tennis in that year xD
Best posts made by Ash33
RE: A message about TWS (2017)
RE: A message about TWS (2017)
@Kens0me haha yeah tho I failed in that academic year 😅
RE: Vote itachi or any other character u like idc
@Eucalyptus irrelevant comment, but at least u commented 👍
RE: Vote itachi or any other character u like idc
@NothingnessR05 yeah it is active for till June ig. U can vote there daily
Roll the Dice by Charles Bukowski
if you going to try
Go all the way
Don't even start
if you're going to try
Go all the wayThis could mean losing girlfiends
And maybe your mind
Go all the wayIt could mean not eating for 3 or 4 days
It could mean freezing on a park beanch
It can mean jail
It can mean derision
Isolation is the gift
All the others are a test of your endurance
Or how much you really want to do it
And you will do it
Despite rejection and the worst odds
And it will be better than anything you can imagine
if you are going to try
Go all the wayThere is no other feeling like that
you will be alone with the gods
And the nights will flame with fire
Do it
Do it
All the way
All the way
You will ride life straight to perfect laughter
It's the only goos fight there is -
Preparation for nnn (no nut november)
First of all I would like to clear that internet is not beautiful.
95% of it is filled with nsfw content.
Nnn started as a joke but people keep taking it as a challenge and they feel suffered in November coz of this.
We need to look at nnn differently. And if u think nnn is bs. N u not gonna do it. Ask yourself what was the reason u nutted last time. I pretty sure 99% reason will be porn or nsfw content.
The problem is this content and easy access to this. If u r lonely most of the time the chances are very high u consume these content a lot.
Imo people should look at nnn as a detox from these content. Nofap is almost impossible to achieve. Noporn on the other hand is. (Comparatively)
Watching porn is not a necessity for fapping. If u r thinking to talk nnn as a challenge (you should if u r addicted to porn) then this is the right time to get prepared for it.
Here r few things u can do-
Stop consuming these content. Analyze when u get these urges though out the whole day. Do push-ups that time. Or go outside for a walk. Try to delay these urges.
Make a schedule. Doesn't need to be hard to follow. But try building new habits. Habits that will benefit u for long run.
Stay focused. This is very important. Nowadays short videos are very popular, but these r the main reason why u r not focused. Usually people start scrolling when they r bored thus they embed this behavior (of scrolling) with being bored. Being bored is natural for humans u can't eliminate that. But the problem begins when u embed destructive behavior with these.
For being focused u gotta do boring tasks that will decrease base line of ur dopamine level.
P.s. I highly recommend started reading. These is book named "deep work" will be gold mine to the one who want to be productive.
Make bucketlist of books to read. Or movies to watch. People can't even watch long podcasts at onec .
RE: Preparation for nnn (no nut november)
@Peek_A_Boo exactly. These behaviors r builded on top of watching. When they stop watching (which is very hard in the beginning when u don't have purpose) the duration would be elongated and the activity will be less rewarding.
Finding purpose is the hard task and walk on it is harder. That's y building focus is important. -
RE: Preparation for nnn (no nut november)
@BlossomingLove doing it once in a while is ok. By the way u talking I assume it's hard for you to stop it . Then try to make it less frequent. Eventually this impulsive nature will be dormant.
Know ur limits are try to extend them little by little. -
RE: Preparation for nnn (no nut november)
@BlossomingLove that's y it is important to set some rules. Also it's important to know your boundaries. How would I know if it is "safe" for you.
The problem is what is ur normals. What ur mind has unconsciously set normals. Once u able to change that then might have control over ur desires.What you have concerned about is ur desires have control over you. That's the most toxic relationship. Every human should try to take control over it. That's real freedom.
I can't answer your question, since I don't know you irl and one should be responsible for their actions. But I can told you why it is important.
It doesn't mean I'm 100% free from my desires. I don't want to. But I'm on a journey to have control over it. So I can be better. This topic is just an attempt to share my journey with people and to put my thoughts into words.
RE: Do you read or not ?
Well recently I finished "my Geeta". And after few days of struggle started "super intelligence". The struggle coz I didn't planned well enough for next book.
I believe reading should be boring and hard to aquire for beginners. Nowadays there r a lot of distractions for humans, that is why lots of people find reading hard n boring.
My battle is to be good at this boring task. That's y indulge myself to read audio books. Plus it makes me imagine the scene from my perspective. After reading "the giver" I found there is a movie based on it. I didn't like it after watching trailer. Coz I have imagined the whole story and it was perfect for me. Same with the midnight library and the stranger .
Since it's nnn I am trying to read non fiction lol. Just remember I could have pick the sapienes. -
RE: Do you read or not ?
Yeah now I get it. The words doesn't make any sense when one is bored to read. just finished reading session
I will take a break from non fictional. Ig I'm not ready yet for it. But I like deep work by cal Newport a lot. It was interesting.
I will find one soon. Tho I feel bad for not finishing the current one. -
some people have misunderstood about my obsession of NNN
so, few times we have conversation of nnn in pub chat, but since pub chat was alive and lots of people talking (which is a rare phenomenon) , I didn't get much time to explain my side.
some people think it is a childish or I am flexing (maybe I was flexing), but nnn is importance for me.
I did nnn twice in past 2 years. but I did that just for fun activity, following a trend without knowing it's importance. even tho this came out of a meme. it has a good benefit that makes it worth to practice imo.
so this year is different, the motive to do nnn is different to me now. few months ago I was into drawing people on reddit. most of them are NSFW drawings. and I used to post them. people like and appreciate it. even few artist liked my work. and that made me keep going but at a point I realize I am doing it just for outer validation. I was just pleasing people. it not like I am getting inspired by anything but likes and comments. so I stopped it.
and then on the other site porn and nsfw content has ruined my mentality to see a woman. it not that intense like a sex predator but at some degree I differ men and women.
and especially white women. women out site on my country in general. since I am exposed to a lot of porn, subconsciously I have created an image of them, whenever I see any resemblance to any porn actress, I started to think them as porno. even if that woman wasn't a porn actress. this thing is too embarrassing when I noticed it.
then I decided to cut off these consumption and focus on things that really matters. also I try to find woman's who have achieved something with revealing their body. woman's like danica patrick, sugargoddess . women who are not playing with men's natural urges and providing someting valuable. this is for creating a new image for women in my subconscious mind.
so doing this all one should have control over its genitals. nnn is my assertion that now on I will ought to change, to cultivate my mind.
p.s. I write too much coz it fun to type on mechanical keyboard. and I hope now I will stop peaching nnn on pub chat. if someone wants to talking of it, feel free to comment below.
things that aren't doing the thing | STRANGEST LOOP
Preparing to do the thing isn't doing the thing.
Scheduling time to do the thing isn't doing the thing.
Making a to-do list for the thing isn't doing the thing.
Telling people you're going to do the thing isn't doing the thing.
Messaging friends who may or may not be doing the thing isn't doing the thing.
Writing a banger tweet about how you're going to do the thing isn't doing the thing.
Hating on yourself for not doing the thing isn't doing the thing. Hating on other people who have done the thing isn't doing the thing. Hating on the obstacles in the way of doing the thing isn't doing the thing.
Fantasizing about all of the adoration you'll receive once you do the thing isn't doing the thing.
Reading about how to do the thing isn't doing the thing. Reading about how other people did the thing isn't doing the thing. Reading this essay isn't doing the thing.
The only thing that is doing the thing is doing the thing.
RE: Preparation for December!!!!
@Peek_A_Boo can't argue that. I'm privileged to enjoy night sleeps 💤