i mean i really like music from Ken Ashcorp and Asop Rock, maybe some hamilton and heathers music
and if your more into lofi hiphop here is one i enjoy flamingo head is good
Best posts made by alkal33
RE: Good music to listen to
RE: Whats ur political stance? Liberal, conservative, republican, communist, progressive,democratic etc etc?;
im a rugged induvidualist for myself, but it's only for me other people should follow the rules, only i am exeption
RE: hey people do you ship please tell me if you do! and who you ship
@Div i mean i never watched beserk, but looks like a cute ship :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:
RE: Hello, I am new to this website and I one day plan on taking it over and making it into something great
Mein führer diese seite fehlt hookers und black jack, und alle sind nicht social active du weisst was ich meine ( ; lol jk ha joke aber nicht richtig aber ein joke
RE: would you prefer to be normal or wierd ?
@VioletApple then your cool wierdo :stuck_out_tongue: gotta call you collio
RE: hey people do you ship please tell me if you do! and who you ship
@Karina-Kara ha ha sadly relatable
if you think your a failure wich you are not i can asure you, you should see me
RE: ROCK the cowboy hat / NOT the cowboy hat
well i have some qualms with your arguments first of all there are some people who can wear the cowboy hat in the city take for examble the famous new york cowboy, but then again the cowboy hat has taken another meaning in the lgbt comunity so if i would be you i would wear a cow boy hat but only to speacial ocaisions, but my view and forgive me to be so ignorant you should rock the cowboy hat sometims just signefay that you belive in freedom
yes this is one of the bigger points of fashion history and yes this is being argued heavaly but i belive you should have the freedom to wear the cowboy hat and not be killed if you look good in it
if you dont kill that peasantsorry not sorry
kill most people who wear cowboy hats
RE: would you prefer to be normal or wierd ?
@TheGoldenMole yess normal is dumb it is a compleate waste of time to be normal or trying to talk to them.
RE: Electronics basic components based on their uses
well resistor is to lower electrical through put joult
capicitors sord of a mini batteri who can can send out short burst of engergy
transistors used to make computer and other thing it's the thing that can be either 0 or 1 by sending small or high voltage through
intergrated circuits are a computer chip so alot of the before named things are in a ic
diode something that only can send electricity one way
RE: would you prefer to be normal or wierd ?
@DayShifter being cool is weird
RE: would you prefer to be normal or wierd ?
@DayShifter oh sorry weird is being cool my dude
dont ask !!!!!! ):
it has been a hard day, and there have been some complicated feelings today, and im not in a good mood.
breathing causes vaccines.
RE: Should drugs be legal?
no honestly i feel the laws should be harsher i feel it's wrong. for doctors to perscribe the wrong drugs to patitants, i also feel like this is going to be hurtfull as people in other countries has blown drugs on people to get them high, like dragon breath, and i feel like companies shouldent have more controll over me than they already has,
what happens if a company gives drugs instead of payment and just get slaves. it hard enough with the drugs we already have.
i just wanna say there is a petion to storm area 51 (:(:(:
do you think it's a good idea
please think of the aliens (: