@mysteriousgirl06 Why is it that I suck at games sometimes but then when I play it not as seriously I get really lucky as heck, it makes 0 sense? I should get lucky when I'm trying hard, but it's the opposite, like this one game where I just kept dying cuz I was playing it on the 2nd hardest mode, when there's like 8 different modes, and then when I don't try at all, I just own the game and I manage to get to the end, but then at the end, I struggle really hard, cuz that final boss isn't really a final final boss, it's more like the after endgame final boss. You did say I could ask a question, so no backing away, well I mean you could just answer it with a "dafuq, that's a long paragraph that has no sense of direction and incorrect grammar all the way" or a "No, not this question, I mean more basic ones about me, not life in general."

Best posts made by ĞÖÖŠÍÄĤ
RE: Ask whatever u want
RE: hia, need some boys to speeak to....... also girls I dont mind <3
@vishwajit You're outta luck bub, she's left for a year, now you can't get a secksual chat. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
RE: Posting after many days hru all?
@Ash I can gladly say I'm not fake tho, I'm a guy.
RE: Ask me question part 2
Wait, I'm asking you a question, why can't you ask me a question?
RE: I refuse to give in to the fact that all random-stranger here are horny
I'm a guy, and I'm not horny
RE: What’s after 100
I think it's in letters, you have to type it like, one hundred and one, but I could be wrong, and tags aren't bad
RE: What’s after 100
@Zeph-_ Tags are good, especially if you use Goosiah or CGG
RE: This song made me feel like a badass
I should've figured that it would be a Belle Delphine song the moment you posted "this song made me feel like a badass", why did I think it may not be that, I gave you the benefit of the doubt, but you've betrayed me.(not really)
RE: How to kill time!!??
Last time I tried to kill Time, Time shot back, I wouldn't dare to kill Time after that close encounter.
I don't know what to say, except, congratulations, you've done it, you're doing great, I believe in you. We believe in you.
You are the best you, that you can be, don't strive to be others, be yourself (If the you is not someone who believes that immoral activities is good, otherwise, be yourself) and you can do anything you put your mind to.
RE: I'm definitely leaving
Oh, I hope I wasn't involved due to me being afk, and stuff.(I know I'm not) and yeah, if you're leaving, I'm gonna miss having a good buddy going. But what do you consider an insult, that way there could be some kind of like, human shield or sword I guess that like stops people from insulting you, so you never have a chance to permanently leaving(Also, are you temporarily leaving, leaving with this account, or leaving forever?).
CGG is sorry, CGG was too mean to people today.
CGG thinks that he hurt people by not thinking about what he said, he doesn't really mean what he says, and if he hurt anyone, remember, you are not alone. There are people out there who care about you, and even if CGG did a bad, CGG cares about you too.
RE: CGG is sorry, CGG was too mean to people today.
@ĞÖÖŠÍÄĤ CGG, why do you speak in third person?