Anyone (12-15) want’s to be friend?
I’m searching for a friend🥺
Sure I just turned 13 and I’m down to talk, my snap is Jonahterri you can add me if u want
@Emma13 U probably don’t care but add me if u care
hey if your looking for a friend still message me or something and we can exchange contact info I guess I’m also 14
@flash i will
@I_want_friends Im 13🤣
@Emma13 can you follow me back
@Dudeman hi I'm 13 and looking for a friend
@Emma13 i'm 14 and i'm looking for a friend
@JMamie2005 Ok i followers u, follow me back and dm me
@Dudeman i do care😉
@flash i added u on Snapchat, it’s name is hacker, dont ask y, i just like the name
@Emma13 also I’m 14
ill be ur friend insta suta_orca and snap (ik its dumb but it was a random generated xbox gamertag back then lol)
@Emma13 i'm sorry its been a while
Could you follow again if you still want to?