• @Sam77 poor boy don't feel bad for yourself okie please have some sense what you are doing and don't get into between... She know what she is speaking but you pethatic dumb follower

  • @Sam77
    Sam calm down :T

  • @Ihateualll @knownsense Be happy and Keep cool I don't Hate Anyone I respect Every religion and I respect your opinions you can anything you have right to speech....Ihateyouall I am glad you are doing Medicine...My goal is that too y inshallah ...If you want to talk about Chemistry so I am always here...: ) And I respect you both

  • @Sam77 dude you so fucked in the head if you think that I am seeking attention from women here

  • @knownsense I apologise for that..I hope you will Accept my apology : )

  • @Sam77 dude why you apologize to me? for what? who Iam To you??

  • I accept it as it is !! All well with me

  • @knownsense glad to hear that !šŸ™‚

  • @Ihateualll tell me where you are in central Asia ?? Now forget about Islam and all good what you belive I don't give a fuck, Ok!! we agree for disagree ?? You did talk about India so where are you from ??

  • @Ihateualll you been bullied for long time and still been bullied by your parents and you are forced to fast and you do it like a pethatic dog .. why can't show your shit hole mouth to your folks instead in this site with me o don't take side here ..

  • @Ihateualll I tried all the meat and animals around me except human, u can't even imagine, hypothetically if there is nothing to eat around me you are the only one to keep me alive, I will skin you alive and make wondeful dish out of you plus I will dry your meat and preserve it for later to eat for surviving .. that's the mentality I have so now tell me which part of central Asia you are from ??

  • @Ihateualll by the way I never down vote any one , so can you answer me with you shot hole mouth please ??

  • @knownsense
    I'm not indian and thats all that matters :)
    Go talk to my dust I'm leaving this stupid site with dumb ignorant retards like you, have a nice life rotting away here kiddo.

  • @Ihateualll i guess Iran Iraq or turkie could say o do not know but you do speak very well English i appreciate atleast you should embrace you Muslim family gave you so much of knowledge instead _______ fill in the blanks use your imagination

  • I mean im a muslim

  • @Alireza-iran so?? good for you wonderfull follow without questions asked with fear or greed !!

  • May Allah guide you all happy being ameen !!

  • @mikeJB i'm so sorry sir.. I should mention u for someone so that connected to someone here

    @kaia_ pls follow aku dongšŸ™ udah dri bulan2 kemarin sulit bnget biar komunikasi sama anda

  • Alhamdulillah i am also a muslim plz follow me lets talk

  • Hiiiiii I'm a muslim. I love my religion it's beautifulll and here's a short introduction to Islam!

    "Five pillars of Islam" = without this we are none, nothing, empty. dot. period.

    1. Shahada
      To put it simply, every muslim believes and states that the is only one God - Allah swt. - and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah (prophet).

    2. Shalat
      It's a prayer that we do five times a day. What's fascinating about shalat is - every move from the shalah has a meaning of their own and all of the Muslim around the world, WE are facing the same direction while doing shalat - and that is Ka'bah in Masjid Al-Haram, Mecca :kaaba: . Uh, let me cry in happiness :loudly_crying_face:

    3. Shaum (Fasting)
      There's a must for all healthy Muslim to fast in a holy month in the Islamic calendar and that is......
      ba dum tsss - RAMADHAN! Unfortunate sick people who get sick and can't fast in this holy month can replace their incomplete fast in the same amount of days. If it's not possible for people with a terminal illness, they could replace their missing fast with fidyah. Fidyah is a religious donation which can be food, or money, and it is used to feed those in need.

    4. Zakat
      It is a must for every financially stable Muslim to share 2.5% of their wealth to those people in need. No, you won't be poor in a day just because you do this. As if. Sharing is caring!

    5. Hajj
      Any Muslim should go for hajj at least once in their lifetime. I WANNA GO TOOO.
      Of course, if 2020 is considered a dangerous time for hajj due to pandemic, there will be no hajj this year. Oh, it is held annually based on the Islamic calendar.

    Duuuuuun duuun that's five for you guys. That's all.

    and one more important thing:
    My religion teaches me to love everyone equally :hearts: