• @DennisJM Brother, I own black mach city bicycle:smiling_face_with_open_mouth_smiling_eyes:
    Let's, Race together ..

    surely, you will be winner :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

  • Hy Rose@@

  • @Rose_ The Pigeons Of Paris: When the literal definition of birdbrained decision-making is flying at your face, it can seem like there must be a billion pigeons in Paris. Actually, there are just 80,000, roughly one for every 25 human Parisians, but even this number can wreak havoc.

  • @Rose_ lol ok 👍🏻😂

  • @Bad_Comrade let's race, just say the day and hour lol

  • @DennisJM Okay then, once at your country BRAZIL and once here in INDIA:smiling_face_with_open_mouth_smiling_eyes:

    So First you must be welcome to INDIA. Just tell me early when will you come . .:winking_face:

    I think you should come one week early.. so I'll be visiting you all places, after then next to next to next week we will Race Definitely:face_with_stuck-out_tongue_closed_eyes:

    Superstar cycling.gif

  • @Bad_Comrade alright bro, it will be a nice challenge 😊
    Btw you need to wait and practice, because I'm already practicing, 😎

  • @DennisJM I'm Waiting.. :smiling_face_with_sunglasses: :smiling_face_with_open_mouth_smiling_eyes:

    Ok Bro . .
    yaah, I should need a much practice too. :hugging_face:

  • Grains- corn/ including brown rice causes Intestinal permeability.
    Effects can show up immediately such as inflammation/ allergic reactions or more long term such as autoimmunity and arthritis.

    peanuts can quickly kill some people, imagine what peanuts do to a none allergic person after 20 years of eating them.
    3 raw kidney beans are very immediately deadly to mammals and animals.
    Most of what people consider health foods are toxic and deadly because of a sticky protein called Lectin that the medical industry currently ignores and profits from.
    All disease begins in the gut- Hippocrates

  • @Rose_ hugs something random huh? Lol ok Beethovens fur Elise was written for a girl he liked but when she said no he never wanted to see that price again

  • I am depressed and female teen. It's so hard to get help anywhere

  • @Jade-K-Kolodychuck damn B, that's tough. hmu anytime I'm here for you 🤗

  • @Lucky8 well shit. thank you for sharing. I'm learning new things everyday😆

  • @BIZMO wow, this is really imformative 😀, and interesting too !

  • @Rose_ ok something else random I think rose has proven to be a tsundere bc she'll always talk to me but hates me haha @Rose_ hugs 😂😂

  • @Rose_ it's comes with the idea that plants don't want themselves and their babies eaten, they deploy several methods like spikes on a pineapple- hard casing of a coconut, but those are obvious. Lectins cause pain that modern day humans fix with Advil- prescription drugs and hardcore drugs, while our ancestors would just stop eating foods that caused disruptions.

    Depression is also a symptom of Leaky gut syndrome.
    65% of your immune system is stationed around your gut, for its the way the outside enters your body.
    The inside of your gut looks like the outside of your skin, 1 cell thick, with the surface area of a tennis court.
    Avoid Lectins- Eat healthy fats like a 🐖- reduce carbs and no sugar.
    Walk 30 min-1 hour everyday or every other day and lift weights 2 days out of each week. Its simple and effective.

  • @Relyt-Tetloh Lol you’ll catch on quick! It’s not too hard here

  • @Rose_ Until 2013, Methuselah, an ancient bristlecone pine was the oldest known non-clonal organism on Earth. While Methuselah still stands as of 2016 at the ripe old age of 4,848 in the White Mountains of California, in Inyo National Forest, another bristlecone pine in the area was discovered to be over 5,000 years old.

  • @Lazz wow thats pretty interesting :thumbs_up_light_skin_tone:

  • Apple seeds have a very little amount of cyanide .. but when seeds are collected from more than 10 apples and crushed .. ome can dir from cyanide overdose ... really random fact I came to know recently due to a murder scene . But a very scary one @Rose_