• Banned


  • @niks-niks

    Love and Unrequited Love are different things... I know they are both love but there's 2 sides of the love in this case, the one that loves and the one that is loved. Depending on the people, the person that is being loved and can't respond to your feelings might be hurting as well.
    If I were to have someone love me and not be able to love that person back I would feel bad and guilty cuz hurting someone is worst then hurting me, but I know for a fact that the person that loves me is better off finding someone that trully loves them back!

    Rejection hurts, no matter what so the best thing to do is to take care of yourself.
    As the poem says:
    "I hold it true, whate'er befall;
    I feel it, when I sorrow most;
    'Tis better to have loved and lost Than never to have loved at all."

    Know that you aren't the only one, that this happened to others and that is ok and better to love then to not love at all. I agree with what the poem says as being numb is probably the worst feeling ever and finally, if the love really is Unrequited it's probably better to give up and move on so that you feel closure!

    This is the only piece of advice I can give, be strong and be sure to dm if you need anything buddy!

  • Banned

    @Lurker said in BED OF ROSES, CROWN OF THORNS:

    be sure to dm if you need anything buddy!

    I need **** ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  • Banned

    @Lurker said in BED OF ROSES, CROWN OF THORNS:

    If I were to have someone love me and not be able to love that person back I would feel bad and guilty cuz hurting someone is worst then hurting me

    It's not your mistake if someone cries for you.
    But, it's your Mistake if someone cries because of you.

  • @niks-niks said in BED OF ROSES, CROWN OF THORNS:

    @Lurker said in BED OF ROSES, CROWN OF THORNS:

    If I were to have someone love me and not be able to love that person back I would feel bad and guilty cuz hurting someone is worst then hurting me

    It's not your mistake if someone cries for you.
    But, it's your Mistake if someone cries because of you.

    True that but not everyone can figure the thin line that goes between those 2 afirmations! ^^
