Sudanese and in dxb sounds very unlikely
intersting people please
wyd babe
@seekforlove plz write name
@abru-khan what u mean
This post is deleted! -
@seekforlove nothing why r u asking babe
wana trade nudes sexy
@seekforlove fuck off
I once watched a french black and white movie. do I qualify as interesting?
Hi @abru-khan how do u do, may i text u
@juhjuhgomez "interesting" word has no absolute meaning. It is relative. How much interesting? Give me a scale or something to compare with. xD
@JuhJuhGomez Interesting !! 🤔
@juhjuhgomez hey there
@juhjuhgomez add me
@juhjuhgomez what do you put in interesting??
Hi wanna talk philosophy? I study a lot major in college and I perform actual practical magick.
@juhjuhgomez Why not
I'm currently a student and cook but I used to be a community development worker in Galati, Romania and took care of and lived with 6 orphaned street kids while working a 40 hour work week helping kids learn math and Romanian. I like to think that's pretty interesting.
@juhjuhgomez hello follow me to chat
@abru-khan message me
@kaleb why