• @devesh-sharma Don't worry about it. If that person doesn't want to talk to someone as amazing as you, they're not worth your time. Make new friends!

  • Music Lovers

    so, i have cancer, and a lot of people are looking down on me instead of seeing me as a strong fighting girl. how do i deal with that?

  • What if I want to share my problems with mustafa, where do i contact him?

  • Also...people you can hmu if you are feeling lonely i'll be there all the time


  • @layla Yes, my AC ain't working and the temperature is close to 34 degrees That's bothering me. Nothing except for that. A nice post btw, a lot of people may find this helpful :))

  • @ella_sky said in share your problems with Layla!:

    so, i have cancer, and a lot of people are looking down on me instead of seeing me as a strong fighting girl.
    how do i deal with that?

    By admitting you have no cancer,
    & you are a fraud
    & you lied
    & took someone elses life story
    & copied it to gain sympathy & upvotes.

    For those that dont realize what I'm talking about.Please go to the link below & see my lengthy post there . It's near the bottom part.

  • @layla I have a problem

  • @stranger_danger hmmmm. Thanks for exposing a liar, that needed some research too. Good job

  • @stranger_danger did you use tineye to track down the original image?

  • @stranger_danger we learned how to track down origins of hoaxes, propaganda... at school, it was a special lesson we has during "la semaine de la presse" that roughly translate to "the week of the press" i quite liked that lesson. I don't think many countries have something like that

  • @thestrangest @thestrangest
    ... first clue for me was how professional the eyebrow looked & the image lighting,the smile with perfect muted lipstick ,the blush , background softening..

    & also the familiar website link of her picture (Bored panda ) that she gave .. which i know was for posting random article.

    Although i do have that extension ,nah dude just some search google for this image..opening first similar image ,translating & done ..everything was clear.

    Nah,not really taught dude... someone had once morphed photos of a foreign phtographer & aligned it with some bad images of my country & voila it was trending ..i knew i had seen that photo somewhere & so i searched for ways to reverse'search ...found google provided the easiest way in google image itself , used that & saw that the original picture of the photographer was 4 years ago in pinterest photographing dolphins...

    From then on,I've been cautious ...Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.
    A few seconds of background search & you are forever at peace.so it has become routine for me.


  • @stranger_danger "extraordinary claims require extraordinarily evidence"-Carl Sagan

    How did you come across that quote? I love Carl Sagan

  • @stranger_danger i also love this quote


    Carl Sagan is quoted as first saying that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and Christopher Hitchens as saying that what can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence(A.K.A. Hitchen's razor)

  • @thestrangest

    Aha ,i see you're a man of culture as well...

    Sees another fan of Carl sagan,
    heart beat intensifies ...

    I first came across it while researching the Rosswell alien incident in USA ... all that alien conspiracy,soviet hoax but later in the declassified files of Congress we find that it was a device launched on a ballon that at a certain height can listen to sounds of rockets or secret nuclear explosions.

    At that height layers in the atmosphere works such that it amplifies sounds to an extreme degree ..it can reach almost half the world away .It was based on similar underwater listening devices that spied on submarines.

    .So when it crashed & launched such a public furor,the army clasified it to high heavens to not let the soviets know about such an advantage during the time of Cold war & some enterprising people with active imagination launched the greatest UFO story in history.

    Occams Razor ,ya know .. the simplest solution is usually the correct one.


  • ABOOBS Banned

    I've done the same thing. Guess where I am at now. Yeah right... fucked up and don't know how my life should go on.

  • @kat_15
    Who dat nigga thinkin' that he frontin' on man, man? (Man, man)
    Get the fuck off my stage, I'm the Sandman (Sandman)
    Get the fuck off my dick, that ain't right
    I make a play fuckin' up your whole life

    Cant get over 'humble':grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

  • @sup 😂

  • @michaelele Mich you okay?

  • Music Lovers

    @lucifer_ Shall I make another post "share your problems with Mustafa!" just for you?
