• Gamers

    @us-poet hmm so poet is not just a poet, hmmm interesting

  • @willoww I totally agree with what @Zazzles said once that the people committing suicide successfully are brave cowards. They are brave enough to end their lives or harm themselves, but they fear facing challenges in their life. And I honestly believe that every problem in this world has a solution. And so, no problem is worth losing your life. All you need is some help from people who will show you a way to get to the solution.

  • This poster in a psychiatrist's office compares those "hanging in there"
    to a Marine stranded behind enemy lines, its almost borderline stupidity to call such a person a coward.

    alt text

  • @willoww I don't think it's braveness or cowardness or anything else but just lack of thinking power. They need to think "How can suicide be the solution to a problem when you won't be in this world to see it anymore ?"

  • @willoww no butt suicide is not the solution for anything,there is only one life we get we should value and respect it

  • @jynextremist I'm just a man who's experienced a lot, and knows how to write it legible and interestingly.

  • Music Lovers

    @willoww -I personally feel it should gnot be called a suicidal person a brave person, nor he or she is a coward...There are some people who take a decision within no period of time and some of them try suicide,some of them realise themselves its an idiotic gesture when that particular moment is interrupted. Some people on the other hand try suicides for after thinking it for a long time, we cannot judge them, we don't know what mental state they are going through. They try it when they think that there is no hope left,and the people who call them coward are just critics who has never gone through that trauma which a person goes and reaches the breaking point. But I could call these suicidal people fools, as they don't see the people who are effected by their death,they don't see the people who are around them to love them.They don't realise how they push someone to grief for the entire life.

  • @willoww Hell NOOO, suicidal persons or the persons who've had comitted or tried to commit suicide r not cowards. No one here knows what situations those people r going through in dere life so calling those people cowards wud be a huge disrespect for em , we don't know dere mental conditions n d amount of stress dey must be goin through. It's just dat everyone does not have the same level of endurance, some choose to fight n some choose to just let go. Therefore we should motivate em rather dan calling em cowards n making d situation worse.

  • i dont know, do they actually have the balls to do it?

  • I believe it has nothing to do with cowardice. People who commit suicide usually choose this route because they cannot find another way to end their pain. They cling to life, but they feel drowned in their own problems, and aren't able to find a solution. I think the people who call them cowards have never gone through a similar situation, and don't know what it's to suffer to the point of wanting to end your life.

  • Maybe ....maybe not
    Maybe he would has struggled to survive till the end ...
    Maybe not!
    One should not judge others

  • @willoww yes i believe. Because when it life pressurises someone, there are two possibilities. One that he stood obstinate and fight back OR he cowardly finds a way to escape it and that's death

  • @kaitlyn-leigh i tried it two times but family and friends does matter than anything else

  • When you're suicidal, there is no way. You can't fight the darkness even if you're a step away from the light. You cannot simply judge people who have done this because you can't know what they have been through. Depression is a disease characterised by feeling alone and isolated (especially when no one you know is going through the same feelings you are). Don't be too quick to judge, suicide is one of those things you don't understand unless you've been in a similar position.

  • @Willoww they're coward bcoz they neither want to face their problems nor want to solve it.
    They're too brave to doing a suicide. everyone loves his life and nobody have enough dare to do it like them.

  • @willoww If a person is feeling suicidal for some reason is because they are not brave enough to handle the situation. It mostly depends on the situation they are in. The decision of committing suicide comes to the mind because they are done with life and they do not want to live further as they are not ready for the future... or say "apparently".
    They believe not being able to live is the best option because it probably is the easiest way. Life is hard and it will be hard. All you need to do is be positive and stay motivated and believe in yourself and the situations will get better eventually.
    They should see how other people are dealing with situations worse than that but they never tried to kill themselves. They knew things will get better. They had faith!

    I believe they are "cowards" emotionally and they cannot handle their emotions properly.

  • No. Suicidal people, to me, are some of the strongest people on the planet. Usually suicidal people have depressions and depression can really weigh a person down. Yes they see their problems as difficult. Yes maybe they are having a hard time. But they have to constantly battle their brain to try to tell themselves they are at least worth the space that they occupy. So I believe that suicidal people have a really tough battle and they survived through it. So god always gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers. I believe the suicidal people still living are also very strong because they survived their own battle for sanity. They survived through the tournament of their minds and hopefully their battle will be over. So I do not find them as ‘cowards’ but I see them as ‘soldiers’ trying to win a war.

  • @willoww A suicidal person isn’t a coward. But, no one should EVER make a bad decision to suicide

  • Music Lovers

    @willoww Absolutely not. Usually a person becomes suicidal not by choice, but by situation. Suicidal people are just broken people who have lost their reason to live. All they need is some help and support and they should be fine.

  • Veteran Mods One Woman Army

    I considered all the replies and I respect them very much.
    But I'm still not changing the way I think: Yes, they are cowards.

    PS-If you had..mentioned my name in that post it would have been so cool