• Bring me ur Signed Photos. Want to make online database to rival Beckett or UACC and make them go BUST.

    FRANKIE 2.jpg

    St. Francis.


    Stewart Lee c 1993.

  • @AllAboutGay wow ! You genuinely have that? Keep it in a safe place (up your bum maybe lol!) What an absolute hero he was, I think Alan and his team made WW2 two years shorter if I'm remembering my history accurately. It's absolutely disgusting how he was treated, like even AFTER he'd done that ffs! It's only really in the last decade here that he's been recognized for the amazing (gay) human being he was and had his good name exonerated. Fucking shameful stuff. Sending you fabulous gay love from Scotland (not gay myself (I know, get out! Haha) but I have 2 gay uncles, a gay cousin and a lesbian cousin (and that's just the ones I know about haha) so I feel qualified to speak lol. Been hanging out with gay guys since 1979 and I've yet to feel awkward about it

  • @Indrid-Cold loving the fun lovin' criminals reference there D! And jealous of your Stewart lee autograph, fucking mad intense funny intelligent nutter that he is! The words curmudgeon and irony were invented just for him haha. Anyhow, good to see you're still around. All the best mate

  • @Scottish ! Stewart Lee signed stuff was always very easy to come by due to the huge amount of shows he did in Bath and Bristol in the nineties. A nice guy. @AllAboutGay Turing can test me as much as he likes: he'll never rumble me for being a messed-up robot C.

  • @Indrid-Cold did you ever go to the malaap club on stokesCroft? Sadly long gone but i loved that place, you could have a meal, shoot some pool, watch a comedy show and rock out to a punk gig all in the same place on the same night. Took my first acid trip there when I was 16, that was interesting, I made friends with a giant black eagle haha, it was incredible how he fitted in the place with his 60 foot wingspan and even more incredible that he could telepathically communicate in English lol
