my goal... is to finish all the anime that I still haven't finished and at least try to make some real friends who don't like kpop and to find my purpose in life :v:

Best posts made by your laggy pc
RE: New Year Resolutions, Mission 2021!
RE: Islam Is The Only True Religion!!!!
LOL ARE YOU FUCKING DUMB??? ok I know I shouldn't be swearing because I too am a Muslim. BUT, THE AMOUNT OF IDIOCY, IN THAT SENTENCE OF YOURS, had been brought to my attention. First of all, LOL. Are you mocking? and second of all, you're not god. Third of all, listen. Not all Muslims go to heaven. there are many things you have to do to earn that reward (praying, reading the Qu'ran, charity, and staying away from haram things). So, not all Muslims go to heaven. And four, you can convert and yes you will go to heaven. (I'm not telling you to convert). Lastly, yes I gave a paragraph to tell you to stop, get some help. Please stop being a fucking degenerate and posting Islamaphobic things on boards because that will take you nowhere. Take care.