@sup if i were you, a wee wee barely passing the age of 18, i'd shut up about my opinions and request for my mommy and dada dearest to take away my freedom of speech by grounding me at home with no wifi or 5G network because my dream job is to be ~jobless~ and my only passion is to get validation from fools in a strangers chatting website by posting my stupidity online.
also, as a dumbass heterosexual man, there are ample reasons for you to stay out of homosexuals' and basically anyone's business. first to teach you how to zip your lips the way you zip your pants. keep offending things that are not needed to be seen or heard by others to yourself just like how you keep that dick in your pants. then second is to teach you that you can't say shit that is categorized as a religious offense or homophobic and act like you do nothing wrong under the pretense of it being a ~harmless internet joke~. third i'm politely asking you to delete or deactivate your account as no one finds your dry ass jokes funny no matter what. i just realized that not everybody actually deserves a freedom of speech! also, i mean everything i just said here. so stop acting up like a 2012 unstable ~edgy and oh so funny!~ tumblr kid because it's 2021 and not a single soul on this site needs your insufferable humour. #notajoke