Hi alyha u there got disconnected suddenly.
Posts made by Well IDK
Alyha for law remember
Hi Rani u there?
Hey this is wali here. Give me a msg if u wanna continue the chat.
Asma asia u there?
Knock knock neighbour are you there?
Hello Nina u there?
Accidentally pressed the X button, follow back incase u wanna talk more
RE: Hi South Africa friend l
@Pukhraj-Anand added u send a msg whenever ur free
Hi South Africa friend l
I was showing u my cat and u might have accidentally left?
Hi simmi u left mid the chat?
Well we were talking about nothing lol 😂
Hey friend from england?
We were talking about video games and I accidentally left from The swipe.
Guy 21 from Pak, Indian friend u there?
Hi i was talking to you, but suddenly got disconnected as I accidentally pressed the X button. If ur interested in chatting more follow my account here and i will follow back then we cha continue the chat
Hey F Ranting, you here?
Hello F ranting, you got disconnected while searching the username, think you can get in touch?
RE: anyone bored and wanna chat
Well follow me back and we chat if you want
Looking for PleaseGiveMeNetflix
M 20 here if you wanna talk more let me know
Sadistic M20 Here for F17
Follow me so i can follow you back then we can resume the chat
F 21, remember M 20 from Pakistan?
Hi f21 from Germany you remember me M20 from Pakistan? Sorry i accidentally Refreshed the page, could we possibly contact again?
Hi Eva? Remember M 20?
Hi if your Eva who was talking to me but got disconnected connected due to connection error then here i am if your interested for talking more.