@Fuxking-idiot33 why have i to ask a woman. Why cant i ask a guy why he just chose because of the colour. Because ive met a few guys that have picked just on colour alone qnd also met many women that have chosen on specs alone.
Best posts made by UK male 420
RE: Tell me u r a boy/man/girl/woman without saying u r a boy/man/girl/woman
RE: Hello! Anybody wanna talk
@Audax yeah not bad either, think going to be long day tho
RE: Relationship problems need solutions
@sai89 at end of day your family should respect your wishes, it is your life to lead as u see right, your not a loser, you just have had a detour in life, smile, you are free :)
RE: Tell me u r a boy/man/girl/woman without saying u r a boy/man/girl/woman
@Fuxking-idiot33 that dont determine your gender!
RE: Beautiful moment with a sibling(s)
@Greymatter dont think i had any, i was too young when they left home
RE: Tell me u r a boy/man/girl/woman without saying u r a boy/man/girl/woman
@Fuxking-idiot33 little bit sexist and stereotyping assuming that only guys pick by specs and females pick by colour
RE: someone pls friend me on discord, I usually vc if I’m not busy
@Novah yeah throw me your tag so can add
RE: Beautiful moment with a sibling(s)
@Greymatter lol its cool, that ship has long sailed lol
RE: everyone is either fake or rude here huh? excellent
@lovingpineapple yeah sure is hit me up
RE: someone pls friend me on discord, I usually vc if I’m not busy
@Novah think ive added u Hopscotch1982
RE: what do you believe stands between you and complete happiness?
@baldshinobi the rut i have stuck myself in
RE: someone talk to me? up for ANYTHING!
@ScottishMale29 what? havent done anything
RE: Do you believe in soulmates?
@Raye kind of but accept soulmate might not actually be your significant other. May be a friend even a pet.
RE: someone talk to me? up for ANYTHING!
@ScottishMale29 lol, u never know on here
RE: What Would You Do If I Was Chained Up For 2 Hours?
@Mrs-Fluff light a blunt and chill