Got disconnected l, though was enjoying talking with you

Posts made by Thewewoosdawg
F 24 From philapiens... would love to continue talking
RE: Does anyone have any show,anime or mangas to recommend??
Akira, Code geass, Full metal alchemist, Yu Yu hakisho, and probably already seen but love to always go back too Avatar the last airbender
RE: Looking for urgirl
@Java yea man whatever floats your boat
Looking for urgirl
Kept getting disconnected but still want to talk
RE: Looking for Freakinggirl18
Yea it's a new topic, you have to write something at least 8 characters, then tag a bunch of stuff should tell you when your good, kind of a pain tbh lol
Looking for Freakinggirl18
Got disconnected but really enjoyed that and want to do more
Looking for Freakygirl18. Got disconnected. Really.enjoyed that
That was fun and want to do it again