@willow haha

Best posts made by TheDragonKing
RE: What is something that a ton of people are obsessed with but you just don’t get the point of?
@rendezvous bitcoin
Like tf just have real money -
RE: Tell me something interesting about yourself
@iamthecure something interesting
Woo! That’s like hella interesting! Nah back in nam I burned and entire village with like, a lighter -
RE: Tell me something interesting about yourself
@iamthecure like the whole lighter thing?
RE: Look who made it
@elf its still annoying you do realize the time in my country is different to yours right? Like im on the other side of the planet so different timezones g
RE: Look who made it
@elf Jesus christ you dumbass just look it up ffs stop replying now go back to dm's