@moon-6 hi moonnnn

Posts made by Sᴛᴏɴᴇʙʀɪᴅɢᴇ
RE: My bestfriend asked me for a date. What should I do?
@excitedgirl93 yeah Thats the best advice, get a rope and do it
RE: Lost “Scottish guy”
@aspyn I wish? Like who the fuck do you think you are? Sorry pal idek what you are :)
So keep imagine cf ;) -
RE: Lost “Scottish guy”
@aspyn you must be so sad to look at my posts xD im ded
Yeah I do it cuz messing with sad desperate ppl is so fun,at least im not here to waste 45min to talk to a username with no pfp ;) -
RE: Lost “Scottish guy”
@aspyn no I don't talk 45min on internet with a user name without a pfp
RE: I'm lesbian and I'm in love to a guy
@dianeclark25 Who cares...go suck a tree
RE: Choosing love over other people's criticisms
@chrisscott55 goddamn! 55 and 24! Bruh im 18 but I feel like im dead and old.
That slut will leave your house after you paid her, trust me ;) -
RE: #lp from a while back
@kayisforeign you look mexican mixed by african and those wizzy hair ugh
RE: Searching for a guy-someone/18/6ft
@f-india im 18 6' but not interested in u