Best invention. ... Easy, GUNS, changed more for the world more than any other damn thing.

Posts made by Stonerus
RE: Humanity's Best Inventions
RE: Games of Thrones or Breaking Bad ?
Breaking Bad slays all, GoT, Walking Dead, it just doesnt slay NFL tho
RE: Games of Thrones or Breaking Bad ?
Breaking Bad all day every day. "Do you wanna build a meth lab? A rolling rv meth lab?" only cuz i can relate somewhat to the lifestyle. Lol
3 items
Ok, your in walmart, go grab 3 items that will freak the cashier out. Mine- A tub, A chainsaw, and snorkel.
RE: Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?
I think religon as a whole is rubbish. Christian, muslim, hindu, mormon, all of . but, im not here to squash what people be believing in, just my thoughts on it. Its the one thing that has started way to many wars
RE: Who has got the most awesome username here?
captain sav-a-hoe has always been one of my personal favorite game names. Lol, that and mine on here, StonerusMaximus
RE: Who would like to become a moderator to control TalkwithStranger ?
I think, (dont know em to well) but veitak and Sybarium be 2 excellent choices, that just be my thoughts i reckon
RE: Share your favorite Youtube clip here.
@alwaysstranger lol, best parody of that song, breaking bad, best damn tv show ever
RE: Share your favorite Youtube clip here.
Do You Want to Build a Meth Lab? (Frozen & Breaki…:
RE: What would you do if you had 24 hours left of your life?
@kek 24 hours eh? Well, might not be to extravagant, but ill call my boss, tell him I quit, and me and my son are going out on the lake fishing all day. I'm a slave to my job, take my work super serious, but, spending time with my world, that's all I need, all did want, is pass a happy man