@Lazz I have come back with a final answer to this everlasting question. It matters on to whom you are talking to, if it is someone who really doesn't know many things in life then you can just expect about a hour conversation with said person. Though there are many, many people in the world who will get down to the point.

Best posts made by Spooks_Uno
RE: Questions to never ask a girl.
RE: How do you deal with heartbreak?
@Addicted4life Only to add to the fact that you only said that because you are more than likely a lonely ass motherfucker who spends their time lecturing people who really just need help or maybe advice, and no negativity which proves to be the only thing that you can provide. So get out of the basement of your mothers house, get a job, and stop being a cunt.
RE: Scariest Moments of Your Life
Um.... the time I was in a car with my mom and her and I got into a big crash
Okay enough joking, Happiness is the feel when you have nothing to worry about and you don't need to have a care in the world, happiness is when you can get up and feel great and look into the mirror and be confident in yourself. It's that feeling where you heart if full and you don't need to cry yourself to sleep. It's something few do fully have though the kind share their happiness.
RE: Mind is blown dudes
What if Area 51 doesn't hold aliens but the true natives of Earth what if it is a bunker to keep them safe?? What if we are the aliens ?
RE: What is your favourite sport?
My favorite sport is American Football though only tackle cause flag isn't fun. I play the sport which is why I love it so much I just love the thrill of getting his by guys 2x bigger than me then shoving their ass on the ground ( either on PR or KR ) or holding someone that you know is stronger than you at the line
RE: Why the hell are there so many pervs on here?
So um........ how many do I have to eliminate??
RE: Questions to never ask a girl.
@Lazz you have such the immense vocabulary I love it.
RE: Questions to never ask a girl.
@Vanie I assume I just beat you to the comment.
RE: Questions to never ask a girl.
@Vanie hmmmmmmm..... I don't know might just be because you are too intelligent for the limited knowledge which the American government allows us to obtain... :/
RE: Questions to never ask a girl.
Grades mean nothing to regular knowledge which could be known from the top of the head
RE: Questions to never ask a girl.
@Lazz I certainly did believe that I would never get the answer to that question.
RE: Questions to never ask a girl.
@Lazz I am a songwriter mainly for rap to touch other's heart's when they are down. Would you mind reading one of my songs and tell me what you think??
RE: Questions to never ask a girl.
@Lazz that would be the obvious option, goodnight
RE: What is one of your biggest fears?
The fear of becoming no one not becoming successful and being a failure in life...
RE: Why do you love the people you love?
@DIVine I love the people that I love mainly because the people I love always have been there when I was going through the ruff and so I give them my respect and love like how they did when I was down. Though for family mainly cause though it doesn't show I know that they'll always have my back. And for my animals mainly dogs, this is because they are so adorable and especially the cuddly ones they love giving love so I give them my love to match their love....
RE: How do you deal with heartbreak?
@Addicted4life Hey that's my fucking friend you dim witted cunt so shut the fuck up and get your panties out of a bunch. Consider the fact that said person is going through a tough heart break and the boyfriend is the stupid ass one who can't move on.
RE: How do you deal with heartbreak?
@Vanie no problem I mean like that guy is 87% idiot and 13% asshole