why there is so many men acting like they are women ?? if ur gay why hidding behind a woman name just assume it its ok u know, but stop trap people

wolf : tell me a story lamb
lamb : there was once a pale man with dark hair, who was very lonely
wolf : why was it lonely ?
lamb : all things must meet this man so .. they shunned him
wolf : did he... chase them all ?
lamb : he took an axe, and split himself in two. Right, down, the middle.
wolf : So he would always have a friend ?
lamb : so he would always have a friend.
Nationality : French Age: 20yo Quote : "You thought you could go free, but the system is done for" "Power is always dangerous, it attracts the worst, and corrupts the best"
Hobbies : Science, space above everything, knowledge, bodybuilding, games
Language: French, english, learning Japanese, old Nordic and Spanish
Music : manyyyy kind, i can listen some good hard rock and then cyberpunk for exemple
Song stuck in head : songs from Wardruna
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fake "women" ont this website
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fake "women" ont this website
why there is so many men acting like they are women ?? if ur gay why hidding behind a woman name just assume it its ok u know, but stop trap people
New hère and bored
Hey there, new hère im bored af, im not from USA or England so my english can be bad sometimes, and this stupid corrector change word everytime .. Whatever ask me anything im very openmind, chill, space is the most beautiful thing i want to go there and never come back in this crazy world, visit every planet, star, universe ( change my mind) not here for trouble, and im not gay, sorry guys :p oh im very shy and have 0 trust un me ..