There are no nice people on the site :)) Everyone is evil
Posts made by sloth
RE: Please be my friend
RE: wanna see my boobies? ;) (18+ only)
what do you feed your boobys? maggots?
RE: TalkWithStranger Global Chat Outside Community?
@talkwithstranger I suggest improving the current pub chat instead of creating more chat rooms :).
RE: Enough is Enough! White Flag
@kanuna well said Kanu in all my time on tws...I’ve never seen so much hate...
RE: When do moderators loose their positions ?
@talkwithstranger if Lucifier sent mod info isn't he deserving of unmodding similar to jam? Seems like its only fair as it is a reason for mod losing their position.. and personal conflicts have nothing to do with a mod being unmodded..being jealous of something so petty is rather stupid..don't you think? Also did the current mods give reasoning to why they opposed if his position? If it was solely based on emotions, it would be rather childish. In addition choosing mod over the number of reputation and posts is ineffective to say the users are able to spam posts and make fake accounts to upvote their own posts. Furthermore, there are users that don't post topics but frequently use the public chat and should be given the same opportunity of gaining the position of mod. In any case, I think you should reconsider the unmodding of jam.. :3
RE: When do moderators loose their positions ?
Erm...pretty sure jam has not done any of those listed...and think his unmodding was unfair and harsh :3
RE: Who would like to become a moderator to control TalkwithStranger ?
@megann meh he needs to get his shit together...unmodding ham was a bad move...
RE: Who would like to become a moderator to control TalkwithStranger ?
@megann well that’s fucked...he was the only decent mod :3
RE: Preventing spam in random chat.
Works good TWS good job on fixing it
Regarding the Mod topic
The mod topic has been around for a while and has received many replies, but how does one get selected? If I'm not mistaken it used to be based on the amount of upvotes a persons reply got, but I've seen people be modded with zero upvotes and even those that have made the cut without even applying. This could lead users to feel as if there is no point in even applying. Making it look like the site is being inconsistent & bias with their selection of mods. In addition to this the topic is littered with unrelated & old replies making it both a waste of time for the admin and for those that have replied with actual applications. To resolve the issues above I think that the mod topic should either be updated or taken down, creating a new one entirely. This will get rid of old & irrelevant replies making way for more new applications to be seen easier. Moving onto how I think the new mods should be chosen. I think that the admin should select 3 users from the mod topic that they think is suitable for mod and then let all the current mods and some specific non mods vote for the one they think that deserve mod. (This should be picked based on qualities of the person and not because they're friends with them). Then the one with the most votes should be given mod on a trial basis where the current mods will access them for a time period (maybe a week or so) to make sure that they do not abuse their power and meet their standards & requirements.
This is my suggestion concerning the mod post, hope you're able to take something from this @TalkWithStranger .
Anoj -
RE: Who would like to become a moderator to control TalkwithStranger ?
@alwaysstranger some people are so sad
RE: Who would like to become a moderator to control TalkwithStranger ?
@alwaysstranger you still not got mod? damn I'm surprised they haven't chosen you yet
RE: Favorite Band, Artist, Song
my favourite band is probably Imagine Dragons rn, hbu?