My 1st ex has an innie.
My 2nd ex has an innie.
My 3rd ex has an outie.
My crush has a swirly outie.
Best to worst: crush, 3rd ex, 1st ex, 2nd ex.
My 1st ex has an innie.
My 2nd ex has an innie.
My 3rd ex has an outie.
My crush has a swirly outie.
Best to worst: crush, 3rd ex, 1st ex, 2nd ex.
Baby idk, but I think she has an outie
10 year old innie
17 year old innie
Another 10 year old innie
3 others idk, but I think all has an innie.
My mom middle one has an outie bellybutton. I saw her outie for the first time when I saw her pulled up her shirt. I felt her outie and her belly when she was sleeping next to me. It felt so soft. I saw her outie and her belly again when she was getting a massage on her belly. I saw her using the ab rocket, I saw her lift up her shirt, feeling her belly and she sayed, “ so soft”. She showed her belly while using the ab rocket multiple times. I saw her outie when she was reaching to a shelf on a bus. She did got a umbillical hernia and her outie got bigger. After surgery she still had an outie.
Youngest has an outie bellybutton. I saw her outie her bellybutton showed in her house.
2nd youngest idk, but I think she has an innie.
3rd youngest has an innie. I saw her innie when she was stretching.
3rd oldest doesn’t have a bellybutton because I think she got a surgery.
2nd oldest has an innie. I saw her innie when she was stretching.
Oldest one idk, but I think she has an innie.
In my cover pic, she has nice abs and a beautiful outie.