i only listen to halloween sound effects records from the 1950s
Best posts made by sarah_the_magpie
RE: What music do you like>?
RE: Lets make a topic topic topic
oh my god YES, i couldn't agree more. it's sad how there have been so few quality topics here lately. what happened to tws? :/ -
RE: How do you feel about male polygamy?
i can't really see how introducing polygamy/polyandry to our society would be beneficial to anyone -
RE: What's the story behind your username?
i already know what your password is. way ahead of you there, buddy ;) -
RE: Why I think democracy is the best of all the horrible systems to govern a state...
i agree, democracy is not exactly ideal but it's the best system of governance that humans have developed :D because our modern societies are made up of thousands of competing/conflicting interest groups that want to have their voices heard & democracies allow for that to happen.now, to be fair, totalitarian governments may be more efficient in pursuing short-term goals, but no one actually wants to live in a dictatorship (or at least i hope so!)
RE: Are you American?
hey, time to take a chill pill, buddy. please don't be an asshole -
RE: I'm curious, Why do some follow without ever initiating any contact?
it is actually pretty common around here. i can honestly say that i've never interacted with 90% of the people who've followed me :D i think that for some people, it's an attention thing. as in, they want your attention and they're hoping to gain it by following you.my advice would be that you shouldn't follow back complete strangers. only follow the people whose opinions & thoughts matter to you :)
RE: Are you American?
are you done? we honestly don't want to hear any more of your trash opinionsalso, fyi, being an edgy teenager with a superiority complex isn't going to win you any favors around here, or with other people in general. try being nice, you might even like it
RE: Replacement for what's up / what up
what's the n word? napkins? nipple? 🤔 -
RE: The universe is unimaginably big for man's creation
why are people so obsessed with the idea of proving or disproving the existence of god? who cares?it's not even possible to answer this question, since it's a matter of personal belief. some people believe in god, some don't. let's just all be cool, respect each other's opinions/beliefs and move on
RE: #Cj🙂🙂cjLe@cls#
they sure are annoyingcheck out those ⚡boosted odds⚡ tho
RE: Besides Talk With Stranger, What other sites (excluding porn or NSFW) do you visit and why?
reddit, wikipedia and youtube. the holy trinity~ -
RE: What would u do if u were surronded by opposite gender
you are right to fear us. be afraid, be very afraid 😏 -
RE: WHAT DO YOU THINK should replace the Confederate Flag on the General Lee?
i agree with @AllAboutGay, this should be their new flag -
RE: Tws People to Watch out for
there's only one way to find out
RE: Let’s make TWS a better place!
nice topic, great suggestions 👍ignoring creeps & not giving them attention is a good idea, but reporting them to the mods is an even better one. the only good perv is a dead perv.