@evan-elderson Creation or Evolution? Soooo many ways to shoot down both... and mostly because of the representation of each by people who don't understand either. First off, there are more holes in the Theory of evolution than the fake news being torn apart on social media. What floors me personally is the apparent toting as fact... that which is by its own label, a THEORY. Evolution to me makes zero sense and I continue to see all sorts of contradictions to that popping up in science news. For example, a study on DNA released in headlines just yesterday, announced that 90% of ALL animals appeared on the earth at the same moment in time. (Topic in case you're interested is called DNA Barcoding.)
As for Creationists... Christianity appears to be in such an infancy stage that they don't even understand their own Creator's mandates for them. For example, many creationists believe in the young earth theory putting forth the idea that earth itself is only 6000 to 10,000 years old. They don't seem to notice the reference in Genesis where it talks about the previous creation... where God created them Male and Female... which is before He created Adam. There is support that this means earth's age and the existence of man, are two separate moments in time.
Even the speed of light slowing down is now proven fact... (Australian physicists Sutterfield & Norman) which plays an exponential role in the calculation of aging things. Since light is NOT a constant like we've assumed, it means calculations that could result in millions of years old, may only be thousands of years old.
I don't study this stuff so I can't actually debate it in reality. Lots of folks know way more than me and can make me look ridiculous. However, the more I see the more I'm convinced.
Bottom line, Creation holds my money. Not because I think anyone understands it... but because the more I see discovered or proven in science, the more I see it pointing a LOT more distinctly toward creationism than evolution-ism.

Up front, married. Moderately good looking, average shape, young looking intellectually slanted but socially compatible... Not a Sheldon Cooper type at all.
I'm more like a cross between a philosopher, an inventor, a computer nerd, handy man, side kick, supporting role type all round cool geek.
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RE: Creation or Evolution
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RE: Creation or Evolution
@evan-elderson Creation or Evolution? Soooo many ways to shoot down both... and mostly because of the representation of each by people who don't understand either. First off, there are more holes in the Theory of evolution than the fake news being torn apart on social media. What floors me personally is the apparent toting as fact... that which is by its own label, a THEORY. Evolution to me makes zero sense and I continue to see all sorts of contradictions to that popping up in science news. For example, a study on DNA released in headlines just yesterday, announced that 90% of ALL animals appeared on the earth at the same moment in time. (Topic in case you're interested is called DNA Barcoding.)
As for Creationists... Christianity appears to be in such an infancy stage that they don't even understand their own Creator's mandates for them. For example, many creationists believe in the young earth theory putting forth the idea that earth itself is only 6000 to 10,000 years old. They don't seem to notice the reference in Genesis where it talks about the previous creation... where God created them Male and Female... which is before He created Adam. There is support that this means earth's age and the existence of man, are two separate moments in time.
Even the speed of light slowing down is now proven fact... (Australian physicists Sutterfield & Norman) which plays an exponential role in the calculation of aging things. Since light is NOT a constant like we've assumed, it means calculations that could result in millions of years old, may only be thousands of years old.
I don't study this stuff so I can't actually debate it in reality. Lots of folks know way more than me and can make me look ridiculous. However, the more I see the more I'm convinced.
Bottom line, Creation holds my money. Not because I think anyone understands it... but because the more I see discovered or proven in science, the more I see it pointing a LOT more distinctly toward creationism than evolution-ism.