@Im-bad33 they are lol
Best posts made by Raye
RE: Meh art work from a week ago
@Jumper-Cable-Guy she a zombie elf queen but close enough lol
RE: Is anyone else's boxer hella lazy?
@Janet I would but my sister is in the pic
RE: Meh art work from a week ago
@Cold-Sun it's a fence...like in a graveyard
Did anyone else have a weird obsession with rocks as a kid?
I used to have random rocks in my room and have a bad full of rocks. Did anyone else do go to that extreme of rock collecting
RE: How tf do you make friends in school?
@Janet talking is hard and people at my school suck ass :D
RE: My newest art project from school
@Cold-Sun it was suppose to be eyelids xD
RE: How tf do you make friends in school?
@Kyle-Norwood yk I would but I don't know anything about theater
RE: Should I post some of my sketches?
@Cold-Sun well it might be more death stuff than soccer eating elfs
Do people eating, chewing, biting their nails, breathing and other things bother u?
People who do that shit annoy tf out of me. It's called misophoina. Its a mental illness. So does anyone else have it cuz some ppl think I'm crazy when I say chewing and breathing make me want to punch ppl
Would you wear perfume/colonge that smells like old books?
Book perfume
I would use so much if this. And might marry anyone who wears this