pen pals still exist?

Posts made by Rajeev96
RE: What do your country's university students do when they spend time with friends?
Movies, food, games, sports and most of all pondering about the meaning of life :thinking_face:
RE: 11 f USA. Chat with me? :)
@bigjake @Lonely-guy-here WTF is wrong with you guys? The kid is 11 for f**k's sake.
RE: Does religion play a significant role in your life??
I think religion was formed to give people a sense of purpose in life and maybe also to instill fear of doing bad deeds. In the past when there was no proper system for punishing people who commit crimes maybe the religion helped by using the idea of a higher power watching over you and delivering some amount of retribution for your wrong doings. Anyways, coming to my life it doesn't play any role of significance and so I have been an atheist for some time now.